Color brick wholesale manufacturers show you raw materials and matching

  Color brick knowledge     |      2021-11-25 11:22
The growing market demand for colored bricks has led to the emergence of many colored brick manufacturers. The uneven manufacturers have made the quality of colored bricks good or bad. The products of good manufacturers are durable, with long service life and low profits, but they bring more business opportunities to their own manufacturers and will not be lost with the trend of the times. What are the raw materials and proportions of these manufacturers for making colored bricks? Now let's give you a brief introduction of the color brick manufacturer.
1. The raw material of color brick is mainly cement, so the selection of cement is very important. Cement raw materials with different strengths need to be used according to the specific situation to ensure the quality.
2. Generally speaking, stones are used to increase the hardness of colored bricks and strengthen the structure of colored bricks. Stones should be selected between 5mm and 10mm, and should not be too large. If they are too large, they are stones, and if they are reduced, they are fine sand.
3. The sand shall be medium sand when used. The sand that is bad and has too many impurities is good, which can ensure the quality of fired color bricks.
4. When using the surface sand, it needs to be refined to ensure the smoothness and beauty of the surface.
5. The choice of color of colored tiles needs to be colored according to the specific customization.
6. Fly ash and other industrial wastes are mainly mixed in the base material, which can effectively reduce costs and is a very good choice.
Generally speaking, the proportion of raw materials is not fixed, and it needs to be confirmed according to the pattern of customized colored bricks and the requirements of customization.
 Color brick wholesale factory