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◎ With With su í Moving (1) (Pictophonetic. From 辵 (chu ò)) (2) Same as the original meaning [follow] Follow, follow—— Shuowen For no reason—— Yi Miscellaneous Trigrams Follow the mountain and the trees—— Book Yu Gong No deceit follows—— Poetry · Daya · People's Labor The court will follow you—— Etiquette · Bride Gifts. Note: "Not parallel." Distance follows the distance—— "Etiquette · Shooting Rites in the Village" List Stars View with full explanation

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  • Follow gu ī su í

    In the Fayan Yuanqian written by Han Yangxiong, "You may ask Xiao Cao, saying, 'Xiao also rules, and Cao also follows.'" Li Gui notes: "Xiao He rules as one before, and Cao Shenfeng follows after." Later

  • From C ó ng su í

    entourage. Liu Dakui in the Qing Dynasty, in his Biography of Zhang Jun in the Taro Garden, said: "The people who followed his servants filled the narrow hotels and kept food and drink, but the king's salary was not lacking."

  • Suixing su í x ī ng

    Still improvised. Nie Gannu's "Regret at the End of the Ming Dynasty": "This story is probably created by good people."

  • Gone with the wind

  • Suiyin su í y ī n

    The descendants fill the official posts according to the achievements of their fathers and ancestors. Book of the Zhou Dynasty - Part II of Emperor Wu: "When they see their descendants, they will narrate and record them with shade."

  • Echo su í sh ï ng f ù h è

    ◎ Follow suit su í sh  ng-f ù h è
    [echo what others say; chime in with others]...

  • Follow su í b è i

    Follow the crowd. Han Yingshao's "General Customs, Praise, Ru'nan Chen Mao": "(Wei Xiu) died in a prison. He went to the mansion to beg for mercy, followed his generation to show his head, entered the workshop, and stood firm and scrupulous. He was a great man."

  • Suiyuan music su í yu á n l è

    Octagonal drum performers in the late Qing Dynasty. Formerly known as Si Ruixuan, he is from Beijing. Manchu. Formerly a ticket friend. He sang according to the lyrics of Liaozhaizhiyi, Shuihu and other songs, and then posted a poster of "Suiyuan Music One Singed Octagonal Drum", singing alone

  • Men advocate women follow

  • Suiyuan

    1. The villa name of Yuan Mei in Qing Dynasty. Yuan Mei of the Qing Dynasty, Volume I of the Supplement to Suiyuan's Poetry: "Yu bought Xiaocangshan and abandoned the garden. It used to be the garden of the Duke of the Sui Dynasty woven during the reign of Emperor Kangxi, so he still took his surname. Yi 'Sui' was' Sui '

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