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Wen Group Words

Phonetic Alphabet and Interpretation


◎ Wen w é n Name (1) (Pictograph. Oracle bone inscription is like a crisscross texture. "Wen" is a radical of Chinese characters. Original meaning: pattern; texture) (2) Same as the original meaning [figure; veins] Writings are also wrong paintings. Elephants hand in essays. Today's words are patterned—— Shuowen Five chapters are dedicated to five colors—— Zuo Zhuan: Twenty five Years of Zhao Gong. Note: "Green and red refer to the text, red and white refer to the chapter, white and black refer to the 黼, and black and green refer to the 黼 View the full explanation of the text

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Relevant definitions of words in Wen
  • Wenhuo

    ◎ Wenhuo
    [soft fire; slow fire; little heat]

  • Classical Chinese

    ◎ Classical Chinese w é ny á n
    [the literary Chinese; wen yen]

  • Cars on the same track, books on the same page

    Same language: the language used throughout the country is the same; Same track: the rut width is the same across the country. Unify words and ruts. It means national unity.

  • Official articles

    ◎ Official articles
    [sth. done superficially a...

  • Wen Bao

    Also known as "Wen Bao". Embroidered swaddling clothes. The New Preface · Jieshi by Liu Xiang of the Han Dynasty: "The two men sought his baby and hid it in the mountains with literature." The Records of the Historian · The Zhao Family: "Take other people's baby and bear it, and wear literature to protect it

  • Xingwen x ī ng w é n

    1. Advocate cultural governance and devote to education. The King of the Han Dynasty praised the Four Sons' Theory of Virtue: "Today, Nanjun has won the White Tiger, which also means that we should stop fighting and revitalize literature." "Awakening the World and Saying, Xue Documenting the Story of the Immortal in Fish Clothes": "Officials do not urge rent, and night does not

  • Cultural debt

    It means to write an article by appointment but not submit it. Lu Xun's Collection of Letters to Xiao Jun: "I still owe two more articles within a month, and I think it is too late to pay them off."

  • Wen Lu

    Wen Tianxiang and Lu Xiufu in the late Song Dynasty. Both of them resolutely fought against the Yuan Dynasty and died unyielding. In the local text of the Qing Dynasty, "Song's adherents chant Gong Shengyukai": "Mr. Wen Luer, the martyrs shocked China." The Qing Dynasty

  • Text version

  • Saint sh è ng w é n

    1. Articles and classics referring to saints. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: On the Biography of Zheng Xuan: "Since the Qin Dynasty, the Six Classics have been burned, and the Saint Wen has disappeared."

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