The pinyin of fan _ the stroke order of fan _ the meaning of fan
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The phonetic alphabet of Fan, the stroke order of Fan, and the meaning of Fan

 all  Dynamic graph of pen order of Fan
all Pinyin: f á n/ fan Phonetic: ㄈ ㄢ ˊ Leader: Several External stroke: 1 stroke Total strokes: 3 strokes Structure: single structure Five MYI Cang Jie: HNI Zheng Code: QDA Code: 0416 UNICODE:51E1 Four corners: 77210 Location code: 2318 Bi Shun No.: 354

Order of strokes

 Prime  Transverse bending hook/transverse diagonal hook  spot

Fine revision of Van's explanation

  • ◎ Where f á n Vice (1) (Pictograph. Gold lettering, like the model shape of making objects. ① Original meaning: the mold of casting objects. ② Extended meaning: all, general) (2) All All are also—— Guangya All are the total names of numbers—— Three Cangs Deeply investigate the name, and all people will raise their own major issues. The numbers are generally omitted and the names are detailed—— Blooming Dews in Spring and Autumn All guilty—— Book, Micron. Zheng Note: "You are both." There are nobles among women in the world—— Zhou Rites - Official Preface of Spring Everything should be—— "Yu Chuxin Zhi, Preface to Autumn Poems" There is no one who cannot but bow down and cry—— Ming Dynasty, Zhang Pu, The Tombstone of Five People Where Yongjia mountains and waters, travel almost all the time—— Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo, "Dream Stream Writing" (3) Another example: everything (everything; everything); All of these (4) Total [altogether] All accounts are paid—— Tube · Edition Law This is ten words—— Song Dynasty · Hong Mai's "Rongzhai Continuation" Xuanfan is on fire all around—— "Xiang Ji Xuan Zhi" by Gui Youguang in the Ming Dynasty Six hundred sixteen words—— Pipa Line (Parallel Preface) by Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty (5) Another example: the whole book has six volumes and fifty chapters; Dr. Sun Yat sen has devoted himself to the national revolution for forty years; How many (total)
  • all fán ㄈㄢˊ 1. Ordinary: ordinary. Mediocrity. ordinary people. 2. It refers to the human world (religion or superstition): mortal world. All hearts. 3. All: All citizens who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote and stand for election. All. 4. Total: 28 volumes. 5. About: Da Fan. General rules. Originate (state the gist of a book or a subject). 6. The notation of ancient Chinese music scores is equivalent to "4".
  • Ordinary and ordinary. [Words]: "ordinary", "extraordinary", "pretentious". Qing Dynasty. Hong Sheng, "The Hall of Longevity. The 38th Exit": "I listen to your pipa, not the same hand."
  • Earthly. [Words]: "mortal". Tang. Li Zhong's poem "Sending a simple and quiet view of Lushan Mountain and valuing Taoism": "It seems to wake up a dream and return to the world, and send a dream frequently to the red clouds in the sky
  • Main purpose and outline. [Words]: "Make a case". The Book of the Han Dynasty, Vol. 87, Biography of Yang Xiong: "If you are tired of talking, you can't talk in detail. Please give a few examples, and the guests can see how they are."
  • In the world. [Words]: "Immortals are separated by roads", "Immortals come down to earth".
  • Summarizing words. [Words]: "All living things are called creatures."
  • in total. [Composition]: "There are twenty chapters in the whole book." "Selected Works. Sima Qian's Report to Ren Shaoqing": "There are hundreds and thirty chapters." Tang. Liu Zongyuan's Preface to Yuxi Poems: "All six acupoints of Yuquan spring come out of the flat land at the foot of the mountain."
  • The earthly world. [Words]: mortal world, fairy coming down to earth, fairy road
  • Summarizing words. [Words]: Everyone over the age of 20 has the right to vote.
  • Everything. [Words]: "whatever".
  • Ordinary and not outstanding. [Words]: "ordinary", "pretentious".
  • The earthly world. [Words]: "earthly", "earthly", "transcendental", "fairy".
  • in total. [Words]: "I have devoted myself to the national revolution for forty years."

Where the basic explanation


    fán ㄈㄢˊ

    1. Ordinary: ordinary. Mediocrity. ordinary people.

    2. It refers to the human world (religion or superstition): mortal world. All hearts.

    3. All: All citizens who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote and stand for election. All.

    4. Total: 28 volumes.

    5. About: Da Fan. General rules. Originate (state the gist of a book or a subject).

    6. The notation of ancient Chinese music scores is equivalent to "4".

Where Pictograph

 Van's Inscriptions Van's Inscriptions Fan's seal characters Six Characters of Fan Six Characters of Fan

Van's English explanation

The name is thisportalworld; thesecularworld; [Sound] a note of the scaleingongchepu, responding to4innumbered musical notation; the earth shape (ordinary); commonplace; Deputy any; all; [Book] in all; altogether

Fan Songs

Use towel to make sail

Adding stone to alum

You Lin Reads Sanskrit

In fact, it's very ordinary

Words of Where

  • Common flower :

    Ordinary flowers. Tang Yuyu's poem "Cold Food": "In February, flowers can smell fragrant in the wild." Tang Yu Chuansu's poem "Magnolia": "Magnolia is red and colorful, not like people who don't love flowers."

  • Ordinary life :

  • Fan Cao :

    Ordinary people. Song Sushi's poem "The Wild Hawk Comes": "Where is the eagle? You have no trouble to return, so that the eagle can call others like Cao, and the dark fox can swim in the dark." Yuan Zhu Xiyan's poem "Bodhisattva Man, Watching Fish in the Ocean": "The roc

  • Van Saint :

    Buddhist language. Predicate ordinary people and saints. Above the initial fruit of Buddhism's Mahayana and above the initial place of Mahayana, they are all saints; Since then, people who have not stopped doubting and reasoning are all ordinary people. Liang Chenyue of the Southern Dynasty, "On the Immortality of God":

  • Kefan :

  • Extraordinary appearance :

    Character: character and appearance; Extraordinary: Extraordinary. Character and appearance are beyond average.

  • main idea and contents of a book :

    1. Main points and details. The Rites of the Zhou Dynasty · Tianguan · Zaofu: "The second is the master, and the third is the secretary, who controls the official law to govern the eyes." Zheng Xuan notes: "To govern the people, it is as if the moon were the plan... to govern the eyes, it is as if the day is the plan."

  • fango :

    Ordinary character. Refers to ordinary people. Song Chenliang's "You Ren Yin Xia Shu": "If you don't listen to the teachings of the World Covenant, you will be back in March; if you don't ask questions about your daily life, you will be back more than the month."

  • Common worm :

    Swearing words. Stupid. The word "wind" is broken down. The Southern Dynasty Emperor Liang Yuan's "Jin Lou Zi Li Yan Xia": "There are people who are angry and call their gate 'Feng'. They feel very happy, but they mean 'every bird'. Some send betel nuts

  • Where withered :

    It is a metaphor for all beings in the world. Song Qin Guan's poem "Accompanied Duke Li to visit the Golden Buddha's Teeth": "I wish that the ancient pine trees will always be rustling in the daytime because of today's reality; I know that the golden fairy is unpredictable, and Yu Run will be popular."

Idioms with Fan

The first word is the idiom "fan": shortsighted and good-for-nothing person If you anticipate everything, you will stand up; if you don't, you will lose ordinary people Simple knowledge of talents In everything, if you are ready, you will stand; if you are not ready, you will lose shortsighted and good-for-nothing person Common fetal bones Placenta The foetus is turbid

The second word is the idiom "fan": Change from ordinary people to saints Yuefan passed away Sacrifice recount the general idea , the stylistic rules and the layout of a book Xianfan Road An example turn an ordinary man into a sage overcome all worldly thoughts and enter sainthood Extraordinary and refined

The third word is the idiom "fan": Changleiwanjie be not of the common sort can 't tell how many there are -- numerous similar cases of impure bone and mortal flesh Turbid Avatar a shortsighted and good-for-nothing person a shortsighted and good-for-nothing person Su Men Fan Liu

The fourth word is the idiom "fan": Give examples Outstanding lovingly pathetic have great life ambition Extraordinary Extraordinary Extraordinary appearance a man of no common appearance and very noble in his looks Extraordinary vomit

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