Yi's pinyin _ Yi's stroke order _ Yi's meaning
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Yi's pinyin, Yi's stroke order, and Yi's meaning

 Mussel  Dynamic graph of pen order of mussel
Mussel Pinyin: y í/ yi Phonetic Notation: One Leader: Bei External strokes: 5 strokes Total strokes: 9 Structure: left and right structure Five MCKG Cang Jie: BOIR Zheng Code: LOZJ Code: 6318 UNICODE:8D3B Four corners: 73860 Location code: 7461 Bi Shun No.: 253454251

Order of strokes

 vertical  Transverse fold  Prime  spot  Apostrophe  spot  vertical  Transverse fold  transverse

Yi's explanation refined edition

  • ◎ Mussel Y í Moving (1) (Pictophoney. From the shell, from the platform. From the "shell", it is related to wealth. Original meaning: gift) (2) Same as the original meaning of [present] Let me know—— Poem · Wind · Quiet Woman A beautiful woman is a mussel. Yu Jiaqi was able to follow the ancient path, and wrote the "Teacher Talk" to encourage him—— Tang · Han Yu's "Teacher Talk" Taste the Yi Yu He Zhou Yi and cover the Dasu with red cliff clouds—— The Record of the Nuclear Boat by Wei Xuexuan in the Ming Dynasty (3) In ancient classics, Yi and Yi saw each other. Zheng Zhen in the Qing Dynasty said that the word "Yi" was changed after the Han Dynasty. For example, pay (retention); Free gift (4) [leave behind; bequest] Let me come to Mou—— Poem · Zhou Song · Si Wen Sitting makes the deaf blind—— Biography of Liu Yi by Li Chaowei, Tang Dynasty (5) Another example: Pernicious (implicated); To laugh (not to laugh. To be laughed at); Yimou (an idea left behind); Yi Jue (Yi: stay; Jue: its); Yiyan (leaving a stable foundation for future generations); Ill reputation will last forever (the evil name will be passed on to future generations, and it will be hard to get rid of forever)
  • Mussel yí ㄧˊ 1. Gifts. 2. Left behind: harm. Bungle. Educate. Make a fool of yourself.
  • give. "The Book of Songs. The Wind. The Quiet Woman": "The quiet woman's catacombs make me feel like a tube." "Chuang Tzu. A Happy Journey": "The king of Wei makes me grow a big bottle, and the fruit of my tree is five stones."
  • Legacy. The Book of Books, Song of the Five Sons: "If there is a code, it will be good for the descendants of Jue." The Selected Works, Luji, and Wenfu: "If you bend over the tree, it will be like an ancient man."
  • Last name. Such as Yi Fan in the Song Dynasty.
  • give. [Words]: Feed Yi
  • give. [Words]: "Beware".
  • Legacy and legacy. [Words]: "harm", "make people laugh".

Basic explanation of Yi


    yí ㄧˊ

    1. Gifts.

    2. Left behind: harm. Bungle. Educate. Make a fool of yourself.

Yi's Pictograph

 Yi's seal characters

Yi's English explanation

Make a giftofsth; present;bequeath;leavebehind

Yi Songs

Flood must be treated

I feel happy

Baby comes to bestow gifts

Raise your hand and send it forward

Words of Yi

  • Give a gift to a mussel :

    give. It also refers to gifts. Sun Hua of the Tang Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty, in his book "Cihe Huikai Gong, the president of the school, sees a hundred rhymes", said:

  • Dilatory payment :

    Retained. In Chen Tian's Preface to the Chronicle of Ming Poetry in the Qing Dynasty: "Those who have nothing to discipline are also widely selected, hoping to attract the fragrance of the former philosophers and pay for the future generations."

  • Feed mussel :

    Gifts (gifts). Gao Shiqi of the Qing Dynasty wrote "Tianlu Knows Yuyu · Chaojie": "The custom of Chiyang is not to emphasize the Dragon Boat Festival but the Summer Solstice. It is called Chaojie to feed millet and wild geese." Feed Yi: gift. Feed, pass "feed"

  • Mushy hissing :

    It's funny. The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, The Travel of the Yuan Dynasty, Chong Zhuan: "When divining merchants and doubting saints, they should pay homage to Zengyu; when trees are given near to sages, they should make people laugh at Uncle Wu

  • To cause confusion :

    Leave trouble and make trouble. Song Yeshi's "Three Fortress Shapes in the Mountain of Calming, Melon Steps and Stone Posts": "Although the captives come again, they will not seek to cross again. They will rise up suddenly and disturb the south of the Yangtze River."

  • Mytilus :

    Venom. The postscript of Zhu Luan in the Ming Dynasty: "When Guangdong crossed south from the Song Dynasty, it captured gold and advocated chaos, and the country was famous for its cunning junipers to steal. As a result, the loyalty of the country was so strong that it could not shake up, and the poison was endless. What a pity!"

  • To spoil :

    Abandon. The series of modern Chinese history materials, "The 1911 Revolution, Wuchang Uprising and the Qing Party's Archives, the Qing Dynasty's Official Doctrine": "In the battle between Japan and Russia, the Russian army was defeated, and no less than 100000 or 200000 guns were abandoned, and there are countless bullets, all of which are now

  • Pet mussel :

    It means that grace extends to descendants. Qiu Rui of the Ming Dynasty, in his book "The Year of the Year, the Official Letter of Honor", said: "One door is respected, and the grandson dotes on it."

  • bring harm to another :

    Also known as "browsing". Victimize; Leave disaster behind. The New Book of the Tang Dynasty · Gao Zong Ji Zan: "Gao Zong dotes on the seats, does not stop wearing frost, but poisons flow around the world, causing disaster to the nation." Ancient and Modern Novels · Sheep Horn Lament

  • Mussel droop :

    Spread. Zhang Juzheng in the Ming Dynasty wrote in his poem "Respecting the virtues of the ancestors": "The glory of China is lofty, but the code is still lingering."

Idioms with Yi

The first word is the idiom of Yi: cause endless trouble to future expose oneself to ridicule To abuse many parties leave a name that will stink to eternity Laugh for thousands of years give occasion for scandal a butt for future ridicule delay the fulfilment of a military plan Endless harm

The second word is the idiom of Yi: torture oneself with unpleasant thoughts torture oneself with unpleasant thoughts

The third word is the idiom of Yi: hand down a good plan to posterity feed a tiger to one 's own detriment leave evil unchecked spells ruin

The fourth word is the idiom of Yi: Raising a tiger will cause disaster

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