Pony's pinyin _ Pony's pen order _ Pony's meaning
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Pony's pinyin, Pony's pen order, Pony's meaning

 Grandma  The dynamic graph of Po's order of strokes
Grandma Pinyin: p ó/ po Phonetic: ㄆ ㄛ ˊ Leader: female External strokes: 8 strokes Total strokes: 11 strokes Structure: upper and lower structure Five IHCVs Cang Jie: EEV Zheng Code: VXZM Code: 1237 UNICODE:5A46 Four corners: 34404 Location code: 3837 Bi Shun No.: 44153254531

Order of strokes

 spot  spot  carry  Cross Skim/Cross Hook  Prime  vertical  Cross Skim/Cross Hook  Press  Prime point  Prime  transverse

The refined version of Grandma's explanation

  • ◎ Po ó ——Whirling (1) (Shape sound. From female, wave sound. Original meaning: dance appearance) (2) Dancing Whirling, dancing—— Erya (3) Hover; Staying In the field of dancing skills, you can rest in the confines of your writings—— Hanshu (4) Dispersion; Fushu The wind is endless in the cave, and the beauty is whirling—— Selected Works, Wang Bao, Ode to Dongxiao (5) Stretch up When drunk, sleep on the stone, and the body whirls—— Tang · Yao He, Traveling on the Heyang River Bank
  • Grandma pó ㄆㄛˊ 1. Old woman: old woman. do one 's best to convince sb. 2. Husband's mother: In law. Mother in law and daughter-in-law. In laws. mother-in-law. 3. A relative woman who is called two generations older: aunt. Aunt. Grandma. 4. Dialect generally refers to married young women, also known as wives: mother-in-law. Mother in law and aunt. 5. It used to refer to women engaged in certain occupations: matchmakers. midwife.

Basic explanation of Po


    pó ㄆㄛˊ

    1. Old woman: old woman. do one 's best to convince sb.

    2. Husband's mother: In law. Mother in law and daughter-in-law. In laws. mother-in-law.

    3. A relative woman who is called two generations older: aunt. Aunt. Grandma.

    4. Dialect generally refers to married young women, also known as wives: mother-in-law. Mother in law and aunt.

    5. It used to refer to women engaged in certain occupations: matchmakers. midwife.

Pictograph of Grandma

 Grandma's Six Characters

My English explanation

The name is oldwoman; awomaninacertainoccupation;husbandsmother;mother-in-law


The water is fast and the waves are many

Herbal spinach green

On the hillside on the other side

Grandma Picks Vegetables

Antonym of mother-in-law

Words of Grandma

  • Bosha World :

  • Dry nurse :

    A nurse who does not nurse. New Yucongkao, Your Mother by Zhao Yi of the Qing Dynasty: "It is commonly known as a nurse, that is, a nurse; the one who does not nurse but protects is called a dry nurse."

  • The wife is eager :

  • Brahman Monk :

  • wife :

    1. The hostess; housewife. "Surprise at the Beginning of the Moment" Volume 6: "The girl Chunhua saw the master's mother asleep and spent half a day in her free life. The little master led him to eat and play." Zou Taofen's "The Tracks

  • Three wives and two sister-in-law :

    There are three wives and four concubines. Song Luyou's Notes on Laoxue Nunnery, Volume VI: "After the chaos, many scholars and officials lost their lives and approved books; the army rewarded them a hundred times as much as usual, paid bribes, and risked excessive pay

  • Jawabata :

    Also called "Patriarch". Also called "Patriarch". Ancient country name. It is located on Java Island or Sumatra Island, or both. The Book of the Song Dynasty, The Biography of Barbarians, Patriarch and Grandma Da Guo: "

  • Bustard :

    The procuress. Qu Qiubai's Literary and Art Miscellaneous Continuation: Talent is Easy to Get: "The prostitute said that she fell in the fire pit and still wanted someone to save her; the madam cried in the fire pit, and no one believed her." See "the madam".

  • Shrewish mother-in-law :

    A ferocious woman. The second part of Yang Xianzhi's Cold Pavilion: "Then you are a pickled woman."

  • Brahman :

    ◎ Brahman p ó lu ó m é n [Brahman] A member of the highest caste or monk in the Indian caste system, whose main job is to recite

Idioms with Po characters

The first word is the idiom of Po: womanishly fussy stroll about and start dancing

The second word is the idiom of Po: An old woman in the army Wife's tongue womanishly fussy Three wives and two sister-in-law

The third word is the idiom of Po: White hair whirling I dance parents in law do one 's best to convince sb

The fourth word is the idiom of Po: parents in law The male never leaves the female Beat the public and scold the woman three kinds of nuns

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