Pinyin of coarse thread _ stroke order of coarse thread _ meaning of coarse thread
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Pinyin of coarse thread, stroke order of coarse thread, meaning of coarse thread

 Coarse thread
Coarse thread Pinyin: c u/ cu Phonetic: ㄘ ㄨ Radical: deer External strokes: 22 strokes Total strokes: 33 Structure: Pinzi structure Five YNJX Cang Jie: IPIPP Zheng Code: TXTT Code: 7794 UNICODE:9EA4 Four corners: 00212 Location code: Bi Shun No.: 413522115354135221153541352211535

Order of strokes

 spot  transverse  Prime  Transverse fold  vertical  vertical  transverse  transverse  Vertical lifting  Prime  Vertical hook  spot  transverse  Prime  Transverse fold  vertical  vertical  transverse  transverse  Vertical lifting  Prime  Vertical lifting  spot  transverse  Prime  Transverse fold  vertical  vertical  transverse  transverse  Vertical lifting  Prime  Vertical hook

Fine revision of coarse thread explanation

  • Coarse thread cū ㄘㄨˉ ◎ Same as "thick".
  • Far away. "Shuowen Jiezi. Coarse parts": "Coarse lines go far."

Basic explanation of coarse thread

    Coarse thread

    cū ㄘㄨˉ

    ◎ Same as "thick".

Coarse hieroglyph

 Coarse oracle bone inscriptions Coarse seal characters Liu Shu Tong Zi of coarse thread Liu Shu Tong Zi of coarse thread

English explanation of coarse thread

rough, coarse, big, rough

Words of coarse thread

  • Coarse thread thinning :

    See "coarse thread".

  • Crude drug :

  • Coarse thread :

    It is also called "麄坌". Stupid. He Liangjun of the Ming Dynasty, "The Four Friends' Studio, Cong Shuo, Shi Er": "The southerners jump quickly and walk like flies, while the northerners walk like flies." Feng Menglong of the Ming Dynasty, "Think Tank Bu, Shu Zhi, Qiao Baiyan": "To

  • Coarse insurance :

  • Cauliflower :

    Use force carelessly. One of Song Yeshi's "Emperor Shangning Zong Zhazi (the second year of the reign of Emperor Kaixi)": "Today, it may be said that the captives have become weak. The captives have changed day by day. The captives have foreign invasion. They are afraid of taking the initiative and are brave to try to advance. They will use the best tactics to fight first

  • Coarse thread :

    See "coarse thread".

  • Coarse thread :

  • Coarse grain :

    Coarse and stupid. Qing Liyu's "Flounder · Joint Class": "The man who is upright does not know how to make a character. What if he looks stupid and has a despicable disposition and is not worthy of me?" Xue Fucheng, Qing Dynasty

  • Coarse coarse grain :

    It is also called "麄麄". Crude and ugly; Rough and crude. Tang Wuming's White Snake: "The second female slave said, 'You are a noble man. What you see is beautiful. All of them are humble clerics and coarse. I dare not be generous.'"

  • Coarse thread strength :

Idioms with coarse words

The first word is the idiom of coarse thread:

The second word is the idiom of coarse thread:

The third word is the idiom of coarse thread:

The fourth word is the idiom of coarse thread:

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