Difficult Pinyin _ Difficult Stroke Order _ Difficult Meaning
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Difficult Pinyin, Difficult Stroke Order, Difficult Meaning

 hard  Difficult stroke order dynamic graph
hard Pinyin: n á n/ nan nan nuo Phonetic: ㄋㄢˊㄋㄢㄢ Leader: External strokes: 2 strokes Total strokes: 10 strokes Structure: left and right structure Five CWYG Cang Jie: EOG Zheng Code: XSNI Code: 7181 UNICODE:96BE Four corners: 70415 Location code: 3649 Bi Shun No.: 5432411121

Order of strokes

 Cross Skim/Cross Hook  spot  Prime  vertical  spot  transverse  transverse  transverse  vertical  transverse

Difficult explanation, refined edition

  • ◎ Difficult Hard à n Name (1) Disaster; Disaster, man-made disaster [disaster; calamity;catastrophe] When the three armies are confused and suspicious, it is difficult for the princes—— Sun Tzu - Mou Attack You can't be Cao Cao unless you are Liu Yuzhou. But after the new defeat of Yuzhou, can Ann resist this—— Zizhi Tongjian Between crises—— Zhuge Liang's Dispatch Table In case of difficulty—— Mandarin - Jin Language It is difficult to cut off the weeds—— Zizhi Tongjian So it is difficult—— Biography of Tan Sitong by Liang Qichao in Qing Dynasty (2) Another example: resolving difficulties and disputes; Suffering (pain and disaster); Escape from disaster; Distress; Suffering (suffering from man-made disasters); Be killed (die in danger); Refuge (3) Difficulty in fighting means resistance or rebellion [rerolt] Seven temples are damaged due to one man's hardship—— Jia Yi's On Crossing the Qin Dynasty (4) Another example is: to make trouble (to launch resistance or rebellion); First difficulty (5) Resentment; Enemy [enemy; foe] Confronted the southwest with Qin—— Warring States Policy
  • ◎ Difficult Nan á n Shape (1) (shape and sound)? Sound. It is related to birds. ① Original meaning: Branched winged bird. ② Pretending to be difficult) (2) Difficulties; Hardship; Not easy [difficult; hard; troublesome] If it is not for weaving, it is difficult for your wife to do it—— New Ode to Yutai · Ancient Poems for Jiao Zhongqing's Wife It is more difficult to climb the Shu Path than to reach the sky—— Li Bai's Difficult Path to Shu (3) Another example: difficult sentences (rare good sentences); Difficult to grow old (difficult to grow old); Difficult to walk (difficult to implement; difficult to walk); Difficult to treat (not easy to treat); Difficult to navigate (difficult to navigate); Difficult period (hard to reach, hard to reach); Difficult meaning (words that are difficult to understand); Difficult (not easy to exhaust); Difficult to doubt (it is difficult to discuss with each other, and has the essence of confusion); It's hard to continue (it means that the predecessor did too well, and it's hard to continue) (4) No; Bad On Huan Tan's writings, it is clear that weak waters are difficult to navigate—— Inscriptions on the Temple of Soul by Wang Bao in the Han Dynasty
  • Difficult nàn ㄋㄢˋ 1. Disaster, hardship: refugees. Disaster. Be killed. Escape. Martyrdom. Adversity. Suffering. take refuge. Disturbance elimination. 2. Vengeance: Solve difficulties and disputes. 3. Heckling. Censure. Censure. Difficult nuó ㄋㄨㄛˊ ◎ Ancient times are the same as "Nuo".
  • Difficult nán ㄋㄢˊ 1. It's not easy. It's hard to do. Difficulty. Difficulties. Difficulties. It's tough. It's intolerable. Dystocia. Embarrassed. Difficulties. difficult to. Difficult. Difficulties. Fear difficulties. help people in trouble. 2. It is impossible to do so, making people feel difficult: unavoidable. Difficult. It is difficult to guarantee. No wonder. Difficult (d ǎ o). Do you? praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct. 3. Bad: ugly. Ugly.
  • It is not easy and difficult. [Words]: "Difficulties", "This problem is very difficult." The Analects of Confucius: "It is difficult to be a monarch, and it is not easy to be a minister."
  • It is not easy and difficult. [Word formation]: "difficult", "difficult", "difficult to learn". Selected Works, Gan Bao, General Introduction to the Jin Dynasty: "It is difficult to lean from a broad base, and it is difficult to pull out from a deep root."
  • No, no, no. [Words]: "Ugly", "Tasty", "Smell", "Ugly", "Unspeakable", "Unspeakable", "Unsafe". "The Warring States Policy, Zhongshan Policy": "Zhang Dengzhi is also a human being. He has been good at recommending the king of Zhongshan with micro advice for a long time, and it is hard to believe that he can benefit from it." Tang Gaoqian. Note: "Don't trust his words for your own benefit."
  • Trapped. [Words]: "They tried to trap him, so that he could not leave." "Zuo Zhuan, Twelve Years of Ai Gong": "Now Wu does not salute to the guard, but it is difficult for his vassals to give up."
  • disaster. [Words]: "disaster", "shipwreck", "many disasters", "impending disaster". "Zuo Zhuan, Six Years of Duke Huan": "The monarch and the aunt repair politics, while the country of brothers, the common people are free from difficulties."
  • enemy. "The Warring States Policy, Qin Policy I": "The officials heard of the world, Yin Yan Yang Wei, even Jing Gu Qi, take over Han Cheng, from the southwest, to the Qin difficult." "Historical Records. Vol. 70. Zhang Yi Biography": "Chu tasted and Qin difficult to construct, and fought in Hanzhong."
  • insurgency. [Words]: "Difficult", "difficult to fight". "The Story of the Ram. Four Years of Hiding from the Duke": "Please be in trouble."
  • Suffering disaster. [Words]: "refugees", "refugees".
  • Interrogate and blame. [Words]: "blame", "question", "blame". "Zuo Zhuan. Yin AD Year": "It is difficult to run away without saying anything."
  • Debate. "Historical Records, Vol. 81, Biography of Lin Xiangru in Lianpo": "If you want to talk about military affairs with your father extravagantly, extravagance cannot be difficult, but it is not good."
  • disaster. [Words]: Disaster, impending disaster
  • Interrogate and blame. [Words]: reproach, censure, question
  • disaster. Disaster
  • insurgency. Difficulties in launching and fighting
  • Interrogate and blame. Censure
  • Not easy. [Words]: "difficult", "difficult", "difficult".
  • Make people trapped. [Words]: "This question baffled him."
  • Not good. [Words]: "Ugly", "Ugly", "Tasty", "Smell".
  • No, I can't. [Words]: "Inevitable", "Inevitable", "Inexplicable".
  • Disasters. [Words]: "disaster", "suffering", "air crash", "many disasters", "survived".
  • Interrogate and blame. [Words]: "blame", "blame".

Difficult to explain basically


    nán ㄋㄢˊ

    1. It's not easy. It's hard to do. Difficulty. Difficulties. Difficulties. It's tough. It's intolerable. Dystocia. Embarrassed. Difficulties. difficult to. Difficult. Difficulties. Fear difficulties. help people in trouble.

    2. It is impossible to do so, making people feel difficult: unavoidable. Difficult. It is difficult to guarantee. No wonder. Difficult (d ǎ o). Do you? praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct.

    3. Bad: ugly. Ugly.

Hard Pictograph

 Difficult Inscriptions Difficult Inscriptions Difficult seal characters Difficult Six Characters Difficult Six Characters

Difficult English explanation

Shape difficult; Hard; hardlypossible; troublesome; putsb. intodifficultposition; Catastrophe; Calamity; disaster; adversity take to task; blame;

Difficult song

Ask who it is

Answer me and read

Come to the national disaster again

Push hard with your hands

Difficult antonym

Difficult words

  • External difficulty :

    It is a foreign invasion. "The Legend of Gongyang · The Twenty seventh Year of Zhuang Gong": "A gentleman can overcome internal difficulties without overcoming external ones." Guanzi · Fafa: "The wise man knows my feelings are false, and if he plans for me for the enemy, then it is difficult to overcome external difficulties." "Three Kingdoms · Wei Zhi · Zhang

  • Hard money :

    In the Song Dynasty, the government office was in the midst of a heavy and difficult battle, and the servicemen often went bankrupt. The court paid them money, which was called "heavy and difficult money". Song Sushi's second book, "Debate and Examination Hall Official's Quest for Zhazi": "It is also said that the battle in front of the Yamen can use the old people, and still keep counting

  • Brother in distress :

    Brother You Xian. Tang Wu's poem "Send Yu Fu and Gui Yang Xian": "At the beginning of the emperor's reign, I will meet my brother on the river." In the poem "Man Tingfang · Shou" by Zhang Yuangan of Song Dynasty, "I am better than my son in Weibin, but my father is worse than my brother." See

  • Kou Nan :

    It refers to the disaster caused by internal strife and foreign aggression. It also refers to the difficulty of being invaded by the enemy. Xunzi · Tianlun: "Etiquette and justice are not refined, and there is no difference between inside and outside. Men and women are promiscuous. Father and son are suspicious of each other, and the upper and lower parts are obedient. Kou is difficult to come together, and the husband is the person who registers

  • a man 's mind is unpredictable :

    It means that people's hearts are difficult to detect. "Records of the Historian: Biographies of Huaiyin Marquis": "When the King of Changshan and the Lord Cheng'an were cloth clothes, they became friends with each other by cutting their necks... These two people were very happy with each other. But what happened to those who died as birds

  • to know how is easier than to know why :

    Sun Yat sen's epistemological proposition is opposite to the ancient theory of "knowing is easier than doing". Also called knowing is difficult and doing is easy. Liao Zhongkai's Preface to the Series of Sun Wenism: "Sir (Sun Yat sen) advocates the theory that it is easy to practice but difficult to understand

  • The Suffering :

    ◎ Ji é n à n [disaster] Buddhist language. It means the disaster caused by evil karma

  • It is hard to please all :

    ◎ It is difficult for everyone to adjust

  • Extremely difficult :

    As if to go to the bottom. The History of the Han Dynasty · Chronicle of the Canal: "Yanshi (Wang Yanshi) and Yan (Yang Yan) will destroy each other, and discuss the cheap deeply, so that it is extremely difficult to meet each other." Yan Shigu notes: "Extremely poor."

  • Difficult to attack :

    ◎ Attack

Idioms with difficult words

The first word is a difficult idiom: Unspeakable blue stink Hard to change A brother in distress extremely difficult there 's no telling be inextricably involved fellow sufferers Hard to reverse be difficult to follow up

The second word is a difficult idiom: escape from death in a great catastrophe If you can survive a disaster, you will be rewarded lead a hard life It's hard to lose companion in adversity More difficult extremely difficult Obstructing compliance arduous and tortuous

The third word is a difficult idiom: It's hard to say goodbye to vermilion it happens only once in a thousand years though one has a country , one can not return to it A drop of water cannot disappear confirmed habits are hard to get rid of can 't do anything be sentimentally attached to homeland Difficile true no possible escape

The fourth word is a difficult idiom: help people in distress to do things that are beyond his power May suffer together and be safe in difficulties Resolving disputes and difficulties Up and down Give up the easy and ask for the difficult the arduousness of the last section of journey It's hard to walk in the sky A dilemma

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