Pinyin of body _ stroke order of body _ meaning of body
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Pinyin of body, stroke order of body, meaning of body

 body  Dynamic picture of stroke order of body
body Pinyin: sh She n/ shen Phonetic: ㄕ ㄣ Radical: body External stroke: 0 stroke Total strokes: 7 Structure: single structure Five TMDT Cang Jie: HXH Zheng Code: NC Code: 6500 UNICODE:8EAB Four corners: 27400 Location code: 4177 Bi Shun No.: 3251113

Order of strokes

 Prime  vertical  Transverse folding hook  transverse  transverse  transverse  Prime

Body explanation refined edition

  • ◎ Body sh ∨ n Name (1) (Pictograph. It looks like a person. Original meaning: general name of body) (2) Same as body Body, bow also. It looks like a man—— Shuowen. According to, the original meaning of body is human body. There must be a bedtime ritual—— The Analects of Confucius, Xiangdang People below the head and above the heel are always called the body. Below the neck, above the thigh, also known as the body—— Wang Shuzhi's "Jing Yi Shu Wen" A hundred people make a hundred bodies—— Poetry · Qin Feng · Yellow Bird The body is the branch of kinship—— "The Book of Rites - The Question of Aigong" The body is also the remains of parents—— The Book of Rites - Sacrifice and Justice Hungry body, empty body—— Mencius, Part 2 of the Message If you leave your head, you will not be punished—— "Songs of Chu, Nine Songs, National Memorial" I'm not afraid of being crushed to pieces. I want to stay in the world—— The Ballad of Lime by Yu Qian in the Ming Dynasty Xiang Bo also drew his sword and danced. He often covered Peigong with his body. Zhuang could not attack him—— "Records of the Historian · The History of Xiang Yu" (3) Another example: money with you (money with you); Body (figure); Body companion (beside); People around you (slaves and concubines who are close to you); Separation of body and head (separation of human head and body. It refers to being killed); Personal disaster (it means personal disaster); Body window (the window of the body, referring to the ear); Having nothing to offer (referring to poverty) (4) Main body of a structure Fir, pine leaf and cypress body; Juniper, cypress leaf loose body—— Erya Shimu Hai has two songs and six bodies—— Zuo Zhuan, Thirty Years of Xianggong (5) Another example: tree body; River body (6) Self [oneself; self] You can't get it back, but you are laughing in the Song Dynasty—— Han Feizi, Wutong Many generations are far away, and those near are close to you—— Qing Dynasty, Huang Zongxi, The Original King I examine myself three times a day—— The Analects of Confucius · Xueer Is it not also the responsibility of the body that counts—— Original Destruction by Tang · Han Yu (7) Another example: self (itself, refers to things belonging to oneself); Outside (outside oneself, outside oneself); Personal fault (8) Life At this stage of the state affairs, you should not love yourself—— The Guide Book - Preface by Wen Tianxiang, Song Dynasty (9) Another example: dedication; to forget about one 's own; Sacrifice oneself to save others (10) Status Afraid of the future, competing with the ancestral temple, state, body name, and emperor's favor is no different from taro—— Qing Dynasty, Zhou Rong, Biography of Taro Old Man (11) Another example is: being well known (having a good material life and high reputation); Place of birth (12) Lifetime The way of walking is the way of benevolence and righteousness, and the way of traveling is the source of "Poems" and "Books". There is no lost path, no lost source, and only the end of my body—— Answer to Li Yi's Book by Tang · Han Yu (13) Another example: depression after death (the situation after death is bleak, leaving no property, money or children)
  • body shēn ㄕㄣˉ 1. Human and animal bodies, the main part of objects: body. Personal. Body. Body shape. Hull. tree trunk. 2. Refers to a person's life or lifetime: life experience. Dedication. 3. In person, I: myself. personally. Teach by example. set an example by personally taking part. 4. It refers to the status and character of people: origin. Identity (f è n). lose all standing and reputation. 5. Pregnancy: Pregnancy. 6. Quantifiers refer to the whole set of clothes: a new suit of clothes has been made.
  • The general term of the body, or specifically referring to the trunk. [Words]: "body searching", "turning over", "carrying", "seven feet long". "Mencius, under the Message": "starve your body and skin, empty your body." "Songs of Chu, Qu Yuan, Nine Songs, National Memorial": "If you leave your body, you will not be punished."
  • Life. [Words]: "Desperate", "Sacrifice oneself to save people". "Stone Nodding. Volume VIII. Greedy Han's Six Courtyards Sell Prostitution": "The five viscera and six internal organs show outside, and then the body will be cut off."
  • own. [Words]: "Set an example.". The Analects of Confucius: "I examine myself three times a day
  • Character and cultivation. [Words]: "Cultivate one's morality and family". "Yanzi Spring and Autumn Annals, Inner Part, First Part": "If you are in position, you can receive rewards."
  • Status. [Words]: "born in a humble family", "disgraced". "The Analects of Confucius, Micron": "If you do not lower your ambition, you will not humiliate yourself."
  • The pregnancy of a woman is called "incarnation". "The Book of Songs, Daya and Daming": "A man of great responsibility, born this king of literature." "The Plum in the Golden Vase, 40th Chapter": "One foot slipped and twisted and hanged him for six or seven months."
  • One of the two fourteen radicals.
  • In person. [Word formation]: "immersive". "Mozi's Order": "Five crimes, if you can catch the guilty person, if you tell the officials, all of them will be framed."
  • The first person is equivalent to "I". Most people in the Wei and Jin dynasties called themselves "bodies". "Three Kingdoms Annals, Vol. 36, Shu Books, and Zhang Fei's Biography": "As Zhang Yide, you can come and die together!" The Southern Song Dynasty
  • See "Poison".
  • The general name of the body, or specifically refers to the trunk. Turning, turning, human face snake body
  • The center or main part of an object. Body, hull, fuselage
  • In person, myself. Lead by example
  • Qualification and status. lose all standing and reputation
  • classifier. A unit for calculating the number of Buddha statues. There are 500 Bodhisattvas on both sides of the lane.
  • The general term of the body, or specifically referring to the trunk. [Words]: turning, turning, human face and snake body
  • The center or main part of an object. [Words]: body, hull, fuselage
  • In person, myself. [Words]: lead by example
  • Qualification and status. [Words]: disgraced
  • classifier. A unit for calculating the number of Buddha statues. [Words]: There are 500 Bodhisattvas on both sides of the sidewalk.
  • The body of a person or animal. [Words]: "body", "fitness", "seven feet long", "carry on".
  • Body of the object. [Words]: "tree body", "body", "boat body", "body".
  • In person. [Words]: "teach by example", "lead by example", "experience by example", "practice by example".
  • Position. [Words]: "identity", "wealth", "humble origin", "disgraced reputation".
  • Character and cultivation. [Words]: "Cultivate one's morality and family", "live by oneself".
  • Pregnant. [Words]: "have body", "pregnant".
  • classifier. The unit used to calculate the number of Buddha statues. [Words]: "There are 500 Buddha statues on both sides of the sidewalk."

Basic explanation of body


    shēn ㄕㄣˉ

    1. Human and animal bodies, the main part of objects: body. Personal. Body. Body shape. Hull. tree trunk.

    2. Refers to a person's life or lifetime: life experience. Dedication.

    3. In person, I: myself. personally. Teach by example. set an example by personally taking part.

    4. It refers to the status and character of people: origin. Identity (f è n). lose all standing and reputation.

    5. Pregnancy: Pregnancy.

    6. Quantifiers refer to the whole set of clothes: a new suit of clothes has been made.

Body Pictograph

 Body inscriptions Body inscriptions Body seal characters Six Books of Body Six Books of Body

English explanation of body

Name body; Life; oneself; personally (for clothes) suit;

Body words

  • Skills :

    ◎ Skill: body and hand. Borrowing skills; His martial arts skills are extraordinary

  • establish oneself in society :

    ◎ Stand up; preserve one\'s life; find a secu...

  • tattoo the body :

    Paint colored patterns or designs on the body. Selected Works · Zuo Si<Wu Du Fu>: "A man with carved inscriptions is a soldier with carved body. He can be compared with a dragon, a dragon and a dragon." Liu Liang's note: "The Yan Yi people carved their forehead and carved their body into literature, with a dragon

  • Born in Jiamin :

    It means being an official and benefiting the people. The sixth chapter of Da Ma Bian: "We are not looking down upon Mr. Xiao, but if we want to be born in Jiamin, we must follow this path."

  • Body orifice :

    1. Body and stomach. The Preface to Liu Pingping in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty: "I have always eaten, and my body and mouth are safe." 2 Extended refers to population. Zhou Libo, "Great Changes in Mountain Villages", Part 14: "Bad occasion, my family

  • Personal attack :

    It refers to slander and attack others' reputation. Lu Xun's Second Part of Qiejeting's Essays - Postscript: "In 1926, Chen Yuan, Professor Xi Ying, publicly attacked me personally in Beijing

  • Yishen :

    Rest your body and mind. "The Book of Jin · Biography of Huaqiao": "I am in a place of simple simplicity and pay attention to the empty and open area."

  • lose all standing and reputation :

    See "disgrace and disgrace".

  • Example teaching :

    ◎ Teach others by one's own example

  • A show of skill :

Idioms with body characters

The first word is the idiom of body: in spite of oneself Be famous both at home and abroad man is a sentimental creature Be famous powerless Light and healthy being in a humble position , one 's word spoken will not carry much weight have a sudden rise in social status Experience

The second word is the idiom of body: Strive alone Cultivate one's morality, rule the country and the world full of courage shelter step forward bravely The ugliness of life Sacrificial pictorial report come over and pledge allegiance Two terms in one body

The third word is the idiom of body: Die in one day display one 's skill to the full No shelter the members of one 's family are partly dispersed and partly dead retire after winning merit Occupy the body be short of stature Preaching and teaching teach by precept and example

The fourth word is the idiom of body: Be careful Identify the main body ask for trouble No official, light Be bold Embellish the house resign from office Heavy Qi and light body To act as an equal

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