Pinyin of boat _ stroke order of boat _ meaning of boat
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Pinyin of ship, stroke order of ship, meaning of ship

 ship  Pen order dynamic chart of ship
ship Pinyin: chu á n/ chuan Phonetic: ㄔ ㄨ ㄢ ˊ Leader: Zhou External strokes: 5 strokes Total strokes: 11 strokes Structure: left and right structure Five TEMKs Cang Jie: HYCR Zheng Code: PYQJ Code: 5307 UNICODE:8239 Four corners: 27461 Location code: 2012 Bi Shun No.: 33541435251

Order of strokes

 Prime  Prime  Transverse folding hook  spot  transverse  spot  Prime  Transverse bending  vertical  Transverse fold  transverse

Refined version of ship interpretation

  • ◎ Ship 舩 chu á n Name (1) (Pictophoney. Original meaning: means of water transport. It was called boat in ancient times) (2) Same as original meaning [boat; ship] Boat, boat also—— Shuowen. Duan Note: "The ancients talked about boats, the Han people talked about boats, and Mao explained the past in modern language, so the cloud boat is the ship of today." Small boat, big boat—— Shuowen Yizheng The fisherman comes from the boat—— Chuang Tzu, Fisherman He gave up the boat and entered from the mouth—— Tao Qian's Peach Blossom Garden Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou City, the bell rings to the passenger ship at midnight - Zhang Ji's "Night Mooring at Maple Bridge" (3) Another example: dock (shipyard; place where ships are berthed, repaired or manufactured); Handle plate (ship owner); The ship does not leak the needle; Many ships do not hinder the road (although there are many, they do not hinder each other); The boat is running wild (making a big disturbance; making trouble); Boatman; Bow (4) Space vehicles [vessel]. For example: spaceship
  • ship chuán ㄔㄨㄢˊ ◎ Water vehicles: ships. ships. cabin. Sails.
  • The main means of transportation for navigation on water. [Words]: "steamer", "steamer", "sailboat", "iron shell ship".
  • A vehicle that navigates on water. [Words]: Steamboat, ship, sailboat
  • The main means of transportation for navigation on water. [Words]: "steamer", "ship", "sailing boat", "fishing boat", "merchant ship", "cargo ship".
  • An object shaped or acting like a ship. [Words]: "spaceship", "flying ship".

Basic explanation of ship


    chuán ㄔㄨㄢˊ

    ◎ Water vehicles: ships. ships. cabin. Sails.

Pictographs for ships

 Bronze inscription of ship Ship's seal characters Six Characters of Ship

English explanation of ship

Name boat; ship;vessels;asurnamebarque;

Boat puzzle

There is no water along the coast

The boat is in front

Think carefully

The answer will come soon

Words of ship

  • A thousand mile boat :

    It refers to a ship sailing far away. The Book of the Southern Qi Dynasty · Literary Biography · Zu Chongzhi: "Another thousand mile boat was built to try it in Xinting River, and it traveled more than 100 miles a day

  • Nanwan Sub vessel :

    Huge wooden ships carrying goods and passengers in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The largest has seven cabins, which are specially used for punting and sculling without sails. The fourth and sixth chapters of The Official Show: "When we arrived at Qingjiang, we took a large Nanwan sub boat, and the imperial envoy himself

  • Single mast clipper :

  • large junk :

    ◎ Sand boat

  • Boatman :

    1. Boats and horses. All are transportation tools. The Book of the Song Dynasty, The Biography of Xiufan, King of Guiyang: "Let the people ship to make the army accept their strength, and give them a list to solve the problem. It is in line with the regulations. In two or three days, we will know how to handle it." 2 Than

  • Barge carrying :

    It is also called "sub mother ship". A ship carrying barges. The barges with uniform specifications for loading goods shall be loaded onto the barges. After arriving at the destination port, the barges shall be unloaded and delivered to inland rivers by push boats. The first barge was carried by the United States in 1963

  • Parallel ship :

  • Oar :

  • A rotten ship also has three kilograms of iron :

  • Wild boat :

    Refers to a country boat. Du Fu of Tang Dynasty wrote a poem in Fa Bai Ma Tan: "When the spring cable disappears, the sun rises and the wild boat sails." Tang Pi Rixiu wrote a poem in The Woodcutter's Wind: "The wild boat ferries the woodcutter and travels in the flat waves." He Jingming of Ming Dynasty wrote a poem in Zhong

Idioms with boat characters

The first word is the idiom of ship: strong military attack When the ship arrives at the bridge gate, it will be straight The ship will straighten itself when it comes to the bridge Many boats don't block the way When the ship arrives at the bridge gate, it will be straight The ship arrived at the heart of the river late to mend the leak

The second word is the idiom of ship: A good boat drowns, a good rider drowns CSR numerous water areas in the south and land areas in the north The empty boat touches the boat Match the boat and seek the sword Guide ship to shore Life is filled with dangerous temptations. Share one's destiny Carve a boat for a sword

The third word is the idiom of ship: Vehicle and ship loading when the river rises , the boat floats high particular things improve with the improvement of the general situation

The fourth word is the idiom of ship: take advantage of a favourable trend Watching the wind and sailing the ship Look at the popular boat Shore and ship take advantage of a favourable trend sail with the wind Southerners drive boats, northerners ride horses sail with the wind sail with the wind

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