Weng's Pinyin _ Weng's Bi Shun _ Weng's Meaning
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Weng's Pinyin, Weng's Bi Shun, Weng's Meaning

 Weng  Weng's Bi Shun Dynamic Diagram
Weng Pinyin: w e ng/ weng Phonetic: ㄨ ㄥ Radical: Yu External strokes: 4 strokes Total strokes: 10 strokes Structure: upper and lower structure Five WCNF Cang Jie: CISM Zheng Code: OZYY Code: 5040 UNICODE:7FC1 Four corners: 80127 Location code: 4644 Bi Shun No.: 3454541541

Order of strokes

 Prime  Press  Apostrophe  spot  Transverse folding hook  spot  carry  Transverse folding hook  spot  carry

Weng's interpretation refined edition

  • ◎ Wengwe ng Name (1) (Shape sound. From feather, public sound. Original meaning: bird neck hair) (2) Same as original meaning [ruff] Weng, neck hair—— Shuowen On the bird's head Mao Yue Weng. Weng is the best in his body—— Tang Dynasty · Xuanying, "The Sound and Meaning of All Classics" (3) Grandfather. For example, Wengweng (4) Pretend to be "public". Father Weng, my father—— Guang Ya · Shi Qin I and you—— Book of the Han Dynasty - Xiang Ji Zhuan (5) Another example: Weng old woman (old parents. Same as "Weng old woman") (6) Father in law. For example, Mr. Weng (father-in-law and son-in-law) (7) Generally known as old man As for those who respect the elderly, Zhou, Jin, Qin and Long are called the Duke or the Weng—— Dialect 6 Tanweng—— Bai Juyi, Tang Dynasty, "The Man Who Sells Charcoal" The old man walked over the wall—— Tang Dynasty, Du Fu, The Official in the Stone Trench Farewell to the old man alone. Maiyouweng—— The Record of Returning to the Field by Ouyang Xiu, Song Dynasty (8) Another example: a blessing in disguise; Fisherman and boatman; Weng Weng (grandfather; honorific title for old men); Wengfu (honorific title for the old); Weng Chang (9) A honorific title for men [man]. For example, the word "Weng" means "Weng"
  • Weng wēng ㄨㄥˉ 1. Old man: Old man. old fisherman. "A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.". 2. Father: "The family sacrifice never forgets to tell Naiweng.". 3. Husband's father: Weng Gu (in law). 4. Wife's father: Weng Xun. 5. Last name. 6. Bird neck hair.
  • Father. "Records of the Historian, Vol. VII. The History of Xiang Yu": "My man is like a man, and he must be willing to cook, so he will be lucky to get a piece of my cake." Song Lu You wrote a poem on the "Show of Children": "Wang Shifu set the Central Plains day in the north, and he did not forget to inform Nai Weng of the family sacrifice."
  • See "Weng Gu", "Weng Son", etc.
  • A honorific title for male elders. [Words]: "Lao Weng", "Li Weng", "Yu Weng". Liu Zongyuan's poem "Snow on the River" in the Tang Dynasty: "A lone boat with a coir and a bamboo hat catches the snow on the cold river alone."
  • An honorific title for men. [Words]: "Ren Weng", "Some Weng". Tang Du Fu, "Going to Fengxian County from Beijing to chant five hundred words": "Make fun of my classmate Weng, and the Haoge is very fierce."
  • Last name. For example, there was Wengbo in the Han Dynasty.
  • Title: (1) Father. [Words]: Wu Weng, Ruo Weng, Zun Weng (2) called her husband's father. [Words]: Weng Gu (3) called his wife's father. [Words]: Weng Xun
  • A title for a male elder. [Words]: Saiweng, Yuweng, Zuiweng
  • An honorific title for men. [Words]: Zhang Weng, Ren Weng
  • A title for a male elder. [Words]: "Old Man", "Fisherman", "Rich Man".
  • Call the husband's father or the wife's father. [Words]: "Weng Gu", "Weng Son".
  • Call someone else's father. [Words]: "honorific".
  • A honorific title for a person. [Words]: "Ren Weng", "Zhang Weng".

Weng Ji's explanation


    wēng ㄨㄥˉ

    1. Old man: Old man. old fisherman. "A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise.".

    2. Father: "The family sacrifice never forgets to tell Naiweng.".

    3. Husband's father: Weng Gu (in law).

    4. Wife's father: Weng Xun.

    5. Last name.

    6. Bird neck hair.

Weng's Pictograph

 Weng's seal characters Weng's Liu Shu Tong Zi Weng's Liu Shu Tong Zi

Weng's English explanation

First name oldman; father;father-in-law;asurname

Weng Zige

An old father-in-law

Like the tumbler

Bees buzzing

Fly to the earthen urn

Weng's Words

  • Shuweng :

    1. Wild goose neck hair with peculiar style. The Book of Han · Rites and Music Annals: "The collection of red geese is composed of six members, each of them is different, and five of them are different." Yan Shigu quoted Meng Kang as saying, "Weng, the neck of a wild goose, is also different." 2

  • Chaisanweng :

    1. It refers to Jin Taoqian. It is called because he lived in seclusion in Chaisang in his later years. Song Zhuxi's "On the fifth day of the first month, he wants to use the Xiechuan story to carry wine to the new house of Boxue and get the word" Fenyun ":" I wish to write a letter of today's bosom, send firewood and mulberry far away

  • Sibeiweng :

    Song name. Han Dynasty advocates one of the eighteen Nao songs. Refer to "Yuefu Poems Collection - Drumming Songs I - Han Nao Song". Guo Maoqian quoted the "Ancient and Modern Music Record" by Chen Zhijiang of the Southern Dynasty for the explanation.

  • Marriage weng :

    In laws, the father-in-law of a son or the father-in-law of a daughter. "Lin Zexu's Diary, the sixth day of the leap of April in the 18th year of Daoguang": "The villa in Luzhong is also good to marry a man

  • Huangmeiweng :

    The legendary immortal. "Dongming Ji": "Shuo (Dongfang Shuo) visited Menghong in the middle of the year of Yuanfeng, and suddenly saw his mother picking mulberry trees on the shore of the Sea of Sun. There was a Huang Meiweng referring to the mother and saying," I was my mother in the past

  • Ding Weng :

    The alias of Tongcao. Wu's Materia Medica, cited in the 992 volume of Taiping Yulan, said: "One Ding Weng and one subsidiary branch of Tongcao." See "Ding Gongteng".

  • Wengbo :

    1. The character of Guo Jie, a knight errant in the Han Dynasty. "Records of the Historian, Biographies of Rangers": "Guo Jie, with the word Wengbo, is short and tough, and does not drink." 2 Used to describe a short person

  • head of a house :

    A: The prefix of the noun. Home: Tong "Gu", the husband's mother. Weng: My husband's father. It refers to parents in law.

  • Bi Jiweng :

    Tang Liutao's "Record of Tree Xuan": "Every man Jia Chuan saw two old men talking together at the Jinghu Lake, one was Bijiweng, the other was Huangqi old man, singing poems with each other. Jia suddenly bowed and turned into an egret flying away." Then he said, "Bijiweng

  • A blind man knows the key :

    The metaphor is to judge things by unilateral understanding or partial experience. It is also called "blind Wengming Yue".

Idioms with Weng characters

The first word is Weng's idiom:

The second word is Weng's idiom: A blind man knows the key a loss may turn out to be a gain A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise profit at other's expense a loss may turn out to be a gain writers and poets blessing in disguise two dogs strive for a bone , and a third runs away with it

The third word is Weng's idiom: Master Tumbler

The fourth word is Weng's idiom: To lose one's horse and lose one's mind Canned cauldron collides with Weng head of a house head of a house

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