Pinyin of lapel _ order of lapel _ meaning of lapel
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Pinyin of lapel, order of lapel, meaning of lapel

 Lapel  Dynamic picture of the stroke order of lapel
Lapel Pinyin: r è n/ ren Phonetic: ㄖㄣ Leader: 衤 External strokes: 4 strokes Total strokes: 9 Structure: left and right structure Five PUTF Cang Jie: LHG Zheng Code: WTMB Code: 5910 UNICODE:887D Four corners: 32214 Location code: 8137 Bi Shun No.: 452343121

Order of strokes

 spot  Cross Skim/Cross Hook  vertical  Prime  spot  Prime  transverse  vertical  transverse

Elaboration of lapel

  • ◎ Lapel 袵 r è n Name (1) (Pictophoney. Congyi, Ren Sheng (r é n). Original meaning: skirt) (2) Same as the original meaning [front of a garment] The lapel is two feet long and five inches long—— Rites - Funeral Dresses Worship the Jishou again and accept them with purses—— "The Legend of Ram, Twenty fifth Year of Zhao Gong" Chu will be in court with pursed lapels—— The Book of the Han Dynasty - Biography of Zhang Liang (3) Another example: the left lapel (the left lapel). The front of the clothing of some ethnic minorities in ancient China was covered to the left, which was different from the right lapel in the Central Plains. It was used to refer to the rule of foreign nationalities); Lapel clothing (the clothing of the left lapel. It refers to the clothing of ethnic minorities); Lapel (4) Finger bed mat [sleeping mat] Royal lapel in Austria—— "Etiquette, Shihun Rite". Note: "Sleeping seats are also available." The bed is covered with chairs—— The Rites of the Zhou Dynasty - Prince's Mansion (5) Another example is the chair (mattress and table); On the chair (referring to a safe and comfortable place) (6) Sleeve The lapel is also the sleeve—— Guangya Wen Bo introduced the clothes and gave them to him personally—— Biography of Women (7) Trousers All the year round, the clothes are not open—— Zhou Li. Zheng Xuan's note: "The lapel refers to clothes." (8) In ancient times, the wooden wedge connecting the coffin lid and the coffin was wide at both ends and narrow in the middle. It was named Xiaoyao in the Han Dynasty and inserted into the ridges on both sides of the coffin mouth to make the lid close to the coffin body Jun Gai uses paint, three lapels and three bunches—— "Rites of Mourning"
  • Lapel rèn ㄖㄣˋ 1. The lapel: "The lapel becomes the curtain". Gather the lapels. 2. Sleeves. 3. The mat used for sleeping in ancient times: the lapel mat.
  • Front. "The Analects of Confucius. Constitutional Questions": "Micro tube Zhong, I have been issued with the left lapel
  • Sleeves. Han Dynasty, Liu Xiang, "Biographies of Women, Volume I, Biography of Lu Ji Jingjiang": "Wen Bo uses the lapel to hold the scroll and gives it to him personally."
  • A mat for sleeping. The Book of Rites, Qu Li (Part 1): "Where are you going to sit, and where are you going to put your finger on your clothes?"
  • A wooden wedge used in ancient times to join the body and lid of a coffin. Han Dynasty, Liu Xi's "Interpretation of Names and Funeral System": "The coffin of the ancient people was not nailed. It was also called Xiaoyao, and its offer was small. It was also called the lapel. The lapel was arbitrary. It would be confusing if the system of sacrificial rites was arbitrary."
  • Buckle and tidy. Han Dynasty, Liu Xiang, "New Preface, Volume VII, First Section of Scholars": "The original constitution crowns mulberry leaf crowns, while the staff and quinoa answer the door, while the crown is straight, the tassel is cut off, and the lapel is seen from the elbow."
  • Sleep. The Book of Rites: The Doctrine of the Mean: "If you wear gold leather, you will never tire of death, and the north will be strong."
  • Front. [Group words]: Microtubule Zhong, I was issued with a left lapel. (The Analects of Confucius. Constitutional Questions)
  • A mat for sleeping. [Words]: lapel mat, bed lapel

Basic explanation of lapel


    rèn ㄖㄣˋ

    1. The lapel: "The lapel becomes the curtain". Gather the lapels.

    2. Sleeves.

    3. The mat used for sleeping in ancient times: the lapel mat.

Pictograph of lapel

 Seal character of lapel

English explanation of lapel

The one or two pieces makes the front of a Chinese jacket; sleepingmat;sleeve; Dynamic lie; putonesclothesinorder;

The words of lapel

  • Boudoir lapel :

    1. Boudoir bed. Use your fingers to sleep.

  • Good dressing mat :

    It refers to sexual matters between men and women. Song Hongmai's Yi Jian Yi Zhi Yu Hang Zong Nvv: "Drinking with monks every night, singing and laughing, as if no one is around, it is good to know the seat." It is also called "the love of the seat". "An admonition to the world, Du Shiniang is furious

  • wear the clothes of a barbarian :

  • Liao lapel :

    It refers to the ethnic groups in the northeast of ancient China. Song Songqi's First Form of Begging to Become Official on behalf of Zhang Xianggong of Chenzhou:

  • Love of the clothes mat :

    See "The best of the dressing table".

  • To make a curtain with one lapel :

    The plackets join to form a curtain. It describes crowded people. Jin Peixiu's "Big Wax Poem": "It fills the countryside, gathers the capital, crisscrosses the trade and relocation, and numerous flowers chase each other; it is mixed into a curtain, and even becomes a curtain." It is also "even into a curtain"

  • There is no debate on the chair :

    It refers to the fact that the emperor and his concubines do not pay attention to etiquette in life. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty - Preface to the Empress: "There is no argument about filial piety and the seat." Li Xianzhu: "Zheng Xuan annotated the Book of Rites, saying: 'The seat is also the seat for the seat.' Xiaowen is lucky

  • Lapel :

    Refers to the lower side of the front of a garment.

  • Lapel left :

    Left lapel. The clothing of some ethnic minorities in ancient China, with the front facing to the left, is different from the right lapel in the Central Plains. Because it is used to refer to being ruled by foreigners. Song Chenhe's words in "Baoding is now Shoujia Shixian": "Who can break the god's claw? Thousands

  • To be honest :

    ◎ Li ǎ nr è n [knowingly a lady's greeting by holding lower

Idioms with characters of lapel

The first word is the idiom of lapel: Covering To reform one's mind

The second word is the idiom of lapel: To make a curtain with one lapel

The third word is the idiom of lapel:

The fourth word is the idiom of lapel: become barbarians dress like a barbarian

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