Bian's Pinyin Bian's Order of Writing Bian's Meaning
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Pinyin of Bian, Bian's order of writing, Bian's meaning

 Bian  Dynamic graph of Bian's stroke order
Bian Pinyin: bi  n/ bian Phonetic: ㄅ One ㄢ Radical: Shi External strokes: 4 strokes Total strokes: 9 Structure: left and right structure Five DTPYs Cang Jie: MRHIO Zheng Ma: GMW Code: 4269 UNICODE:782D Four corners: 12632 Location code: 7730 Bi Shun No.: 132513454

Order of strokes

 transverse  Prime  vertical  Transverse fold  transverse  Prime  spot  Cross Skim/Cross Hook  Press

Fine Edition of Bian's Interpretation

  • ◎ Bi  n Name (1) (Shape sound. From the stone, there is no sound. Original meaning: stone needle for curing diseases and pricking points) (2) Same as the original meaning [stone needed used in acupunture] Bian (Bian) is also a disease caused by stone pricking—— Shuowen Its diseases are carbuncles and ulcers, which should be treated by Bian stone—— Simple Questions · On Different Methods and Prescriptions (3) Another example: Bian cutting (stone needles are used to cure diseases. It is a metaphor for enduring pain and eliminating evil) (4) [Geology]: the place where the meander concave bank is eroded due to water congestion [nip] (5) Hillside At this time, they were walking on a needle. The top was a cliff, and the bottom was a rock. It was bare and unobstructed—— Liu Qing's "Iron Wall"
  • Bian biān ㄅㄧㄢˉ 1. The stone needle used to cure diseases in ancient China: Bian stone. Needle needling. 2. The use of stone needles to prick skin and flesh to treat diseases can be extended to acupuncture or exhortation: acupuncture and moxibustion. To point out people's mistakes and persuade them to correct them.
  • A stone needle used to cure diseases in ancient times. See Bian Stone.
  • The ancients used stone needles to prick the skin to treat diseases. The New Book of the Tang Dynasty, Vol. 76: The Biography of Empress Empress Zetian and Empress Wu: "The emperor's head is dazzled and he can't see it. Zhang Wenzhong and Qin Minghe, the doctors, said," When the wind goes up and reverses, the blood on his head will heal. ""
  • Treatment. Tang Dynasty, Han Yu's poem "The Joy of Marquis Xi Gives Zhang Ji and Zhang Che": "It is like a disease in the heart, and the needle stone is not criticized." Song Dynasty, Su Shi's "Choosing the Pavilion inscription": "I inscribe on the pavilion to criticize the world blind."
  • Stab, sting. Ouyang Xiu, Song Dynasty, "Ode to Autumn Sound": "Its qi is chestnut, and it cuts people's bones and muscles".
  • The metaphor points out mistakes in order to correct them. [Words]: To criticize mistakes
  • It means stimulation is like acupuncture. [Group words]: The cold wind is pressing people, and it hurts people's muscles and bones.

Basic explanation


    biān ㄅㄧㄢˉ

    1. The stone needle used to cure diseases in ancient China: Bian stone. Needle needling.

    2. The use of stone needles to prick skin and flesh to treat diseases can be extended to acupuncture or exhortation: acupuncture and moxibustion. To point out people's mistakes and persuade them to correct them.

Pictograph of Bian

 Bian's seal characters Bian's Liu Shu Tong Zi Bian's Liu Shu Tong Zi

An English Explanation of Bian

Name (stone needle used to cure diseases in ancient times) afine pointedstone needle needed to use in ancient China; Probe with stone needle; pierce;

Bian Words

  • Bian customs :

    Cure vulgarity. Ma Qichang's "Brief Preface to the Collection of Ancient Tongcheng Essays": "Publish fake Bian customs and enlighten the path." Zhao Guangrong's "Journey to the Lake" poem 14: "Zhong is like a mountain man, listening to the orioles want to Bian customs."

  • Bian grinding :

    Rub the affected part with stone acupuncture, which is extended to save time and eliminate disadvantages. Song Yeshi's Compilation of a Table of Appreciation for the Secret Pavilion: "If you are empty and suffering from incurable hardships, don't criticize and grind them; if you have done nothing, you can praise them."

  • Bian stone :

    ◎ Bian stone bi  nsh í [stone needle used in acupuncture]

  • Bian ironing :

    Acupuncture points with stone and iron the affected part with medicine. It means curing the pain. Tang Pei Yanhan's "The Later Preface to Fan Chuan Collection": "His criticism and ironing are jealous of evil. At the beginning and end of the barrier, if he has not been burned, he has not been worn."

  • Painful needle :

    Use stone needles to prick skin and flesh to cure diseases. Bian, a stone needle used for curing diseases in ancient times. Song Luyou wrote a long sentence in "The artist said that he would be afraid of the four Meng moons this year, especially in autumn, since the early autumn, when he was suffering from a minor disease," "It is too late for the qi teeth to feel the decline of sorrow, and Meng autumn is a disease

  • acupuncture :

    It is said that stone needles are used to prick and cure diseases. "The History of the Song Dynasty, The Legend of Zhao Ding": "Today's events, like people suffering from victory, should be quiet to support them. If we continue to attack Bian, it will hurt our vitality."

  • Point out the current problems :

  • Bian :

    Heats. Bian means "demotion". In the Records of Characters · Understanding by Liu Shao, Wei of the Three Kingdoms Period: "People of Zang or not, based on observation, can understand the brightness of criticism, but not the difference of elegance." Liu Biao notes: "The degree of observation is

  • Bian agent :

    Bian medicine. It is extended to a good prescription for saving the world. New Book of the Tang Dynasty · Preface to Confucianism: "How can we use martial arts to help save the world?" Wang Yinglin of the Song Dynasty, in his book A Record of Difficulty in Learning · Commentary on Poetry, said: "The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty caused chaos by extravagance, so Shaoling

  • stone probes :

    In ancient times, stone needles were used to cure diseases. Post borrowing is used to correct errors; Remonstrance. Jin Gehong's "Embrace Puzi - Diligent Seeking": "In the past, there were many people who wrote Taoist books, and they never discussed the path of longevity with the purpose of respecting the metaphysics and emptiness

Idioms with Bian characters

The first word is the idiom of Bian: To criticize vulgarity

The second word is the idiom of Bian:

The third word is the idiom of Bian:

The fourth word is the idiom of Bian: pointedly criticize errors

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