Pinyin of toilet _ stroke order of toilet _ meaning of toilet
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Pinyin of toilet, stroke order of toilet, meaning of toilet

 Lavatory  Dynamic graph of stroke order of toilet
Lavatory Pinyin: gu à n/ guan Phonetic: ㄍㄨㄢ Radical: Dish External strokes: 11 strokes Total strokes: 16 Structure: upper and lower structure Five QGIL Cang Jie: HXBT Zheng Code: NBKL Code: 4150 UNICODE:76E5 Four corners: 77102 Location code: 7834 Bi Shun No.: 3211253451125221

Order of strokes

 Prime  vertical  transverse  transverse  Vertical hook  Cross Skim/Cross Hook  Prime  spot  Transverse fold  transverse  transverse  vertical  Transverse fold  vertical  vertical  transverse

Fine edition of toilet interpretation

  • wash hands. [Words]: wash
  • Water container for washing. Yu Xin in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, "The epitaph of Zheng's wife, Duke Anchang of Zhou": "The Chenggu gives the toilet, and the trainee shuts down."
  • wash. Bai Juyi, Tang Dynasty, wrote in "A Tale of the Cold Spring Pavilion": "The dust of the eyes and ears, and the dirt of the heart and tongue, can be easily removed without washing."
  • wash hands. "Shuowen Jiezi. Dish Department": "Wash your hands, wash your hands." Han Wang Chong's "Lunheng Jiri": "If you bathe, remove the first dirt; if you wash, remove the foot dirt; if you wash, remove the hand dirt; if you bathe, remove the body dirt, remove the same dirt. In fact, you can wait."

Basic explanation of toilet


    guàn ㄍㄨㄢˋ

    1. Watering and washing hands generally refers to washing: washing. Wash and gargle.

    2. Hand washing utensils:.

Pictograph of toilet

 Washed Oracle Washed Oracle Jinwen of toilet Jinwen of toilet Seal characters of toilet Liushutongzi of toilet Liushutongzi of toilet

English explanation of toilet

Wash (the hand face); Name [book] (toilet articles);

Words of toilet

  • Irrigation :


  • Toilet :

  • Irrigation :

    wash. Remove (a sin, habit, etc). Liu Dakui in the Qing Dynasty wrote in the Stele of Cheng's Ancestral Temple: "Learn from each other and encourage each other to be benevolent. Rubbing the toilet and irrigation, their virtue is renewed." See "Washing".

  • Lavatory :

    ◎ Wash your hands and face

  • Lavatory :

    ◎ Wash up

  • Toilet :

    Wash your hands and face. Song Suzhe's poem "Traveling under the Taishan Mountain": "The year before last, he went straight to the back of Songling Mountain. He had a good diet in the middle of the year, and did not wash his hands in the middle of the year." Song Guozhi's Record of Watching Cars, Volume II: "(Shen)

  • Tao toilet :

    Wash yourself. Song Sushi's "Reply to Xu Zhuangyuan's Revelation": "The first emperor did not ask for clothes clearly, and he has long been qualified to govern. He has to rely on a few Taos to wash his hands, and he has not forgotten to select talents."

  • Lavatory :

    It means to serve the Venerable to wash and eat. "Etiquette · Shihun Rite": "When aunts enter the room, women wash and give gifts." Tang Wujing's "Zhenguan dignitary · On Rites and Music": "Let the princess hold the towel, practice the way of washing and giving gifts, and leave with courtesy"

  • Toilet :

    Wash your face and hands. Show respect and piety. Qian Qianyi of the Qing Dynasty wrote in his Portrait of Yue Zhong, the King of Wu: "[Xiao Sheng] ordered the painter to paint the portrait of the king, and he would wash his hands all day and night

  • Lavatory :

    wash; eliminate. The Jin History · Music Annals (2): "God does not always enjoy, but is sincere and sincere. Only sincere and clean, can understand the gods. First wash up, and note that it is cold and refreshing."

Idioms with toilet characters

The first word is the idiom of toilet: Zuoer Mountain Habitat

The second word is the idiom of toilet:

The third word is the idiom of toilet:

The fourth word is the idiom of toilet:

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