Pinyin of flesh _ stroke order of flesh _ meaning of flesh
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Pinyin, stroke order and meaning of flesh

 Pulp  Dynamic graph of stroke order of pulp
Pulp Pinyin: r á ng/ rang Phonetic: ㄖ ㄤ ˊ Radical: melon External strokes: 17 strokes Total strokes: 22 Structure: left and right structure Five YKKY Cang Jie: YVHVO Zheng Code: SJRP Code: 3905 UNICODE:74E4 Four corners: 02730 Location code: 4031 Bi Shun No.: 412512511221353433544

Order of strokes

 spot  transverse  vertical  Transverse fold  transverse  vertical  Transverse fold  transverse  transverse  transverse  vertical  vertical  transverse  Prime  Vertical lifting  Prime  spot  Prime  Prime  Vertical lifting  spot  Press

Refined version of interpretation of pulp

  • ◎ Pulp r á ng Name (1) (Pictorial sound. From melon to Xiang (xi  ng) sound. Original meaning: meat of melons) (2) Same as original meaning [pump] The flesh is as white as ice and snow—— Preface to the Painting of Litchi by Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty (3) Another example: red watermelon; Pumpkin pulp. It generally refers to the flesh of other fruits. E.g. orange pulp (4) Melon, orange, etc. are the fleshy petals with seeds inside, which generally refer to the fleshy part of any fruit [fish]. E.g. coconut pulp (5) It generally refers to the interior part of leather thing. Such as: letter; Sorghum straw pulp (6) It refers to the inside story. For example, who knows what's inside
  • Pulp ráng ㄖㄤˊ 1. Melon, citrus and other parts with seeds inside: watermelon pulp. The flesh of an orange. 2. The part enclosed in the skin or shell of something: the sorghum. 3. Dialect, bad, weak: the technology of driving is weak. Body flesh after illness.

Basic explanation of pulp


    ráng ㄖㄤˊ

    1. Melon, citrus and other parts with seeds inside: watermelon pulp. The flesh of an orange.

    2. The part enclosed in the skin or shell of something: the sorghum.

    3. Dialect, bad, weak: the technology of driving is weak. Body flesh after illness.

Pictograph with flesh

English explanation of the flesh

The name is pulp; Fly; pith; the interior part of certainties shaped turbo; spongy; [Party] havenotcapacity;

Stuffed lyrics

Mirror with gold edge

The melon pulp is very fresh

The soil is very fertile

Why are you shouting


  • Melon pulp pestilence :

  • Coconut pulp :

    The white flesh inside the coconut shell. Compendium of Materia Medica · Fruit 3 · Coconut by Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty: "The flesh of coconut is sweet, flat, non-toxic, and beneficial to qi."

  • Sand pulp :

    ◎ Sand pulp sh \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

  • No pulp :

    It is also called "no rang". Not weak, not simple. Allegro Creation Anthology - Bringing the Group to the Club: "His wife is also a hardworking man with a strong personality. She works in the daytime and sews clothes under the lights at night."

  • Coffin pulp :

    ◎ The coffin pulp gu ā ncair á ngzi [dam old men]: refers to the dying elderly (including curse)

  • Plump flesh :

    The land is soft and fertile. Qing Yunjing's "Journey to Luofu Mountain": "It is not more than 50 miles away from the front and back, so it is a place with rich mountain flesh."

  • letter enclosed in an envelope :

  • interior :

  • melon pulp :

    Meat of melons. Compendium of Materia Medica · Fruit 5 · Watermelon by Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty: "The flesh of the melon is sweet, light, cold and non-toxic."

  • Watermelon pulp :

Idioms with words inside

The first word is the idiom of "shuo":

The second word is the idiom of "shuo":

The third word is the idiom of "shuo": Coffin pulp

The fourth word is the idiom of "shuo":

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