Pinyin of navel _ stroke order of navel _ meaning of navel
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Pinyin of navel, stroke order of navel, meaning of navel

 umbilicus  Dynamic graph of stroke order of navel
umbilicus Pinyin: q í/ qi Phonetic: ㄑ One ˊ Leader: Month External strokes: 6 strokes Total strokes: 10 strokes Structure: left and right structure Five EYJH Cang Jie: BYKL Zheng Code: QSND Code: 5247 UNICODE:8110 Four corners: 70224 Location code: 3874 Bi Shun No.: 3511413432

Order of strokes

 Prime  Transverse folding hook  transverse  transverse  spot  transverse  Prime  Press  Prime  vertical

Umbilical Interpretation Refined Edition

  • ◎ Umbilical Umbilical q í Name (1) (Pictophoney. From meat to chorus. Original meaning: navel) (2) Same as the original meaning [umbilicus]. A small depression in the middle of the abdomen where the umbilical cord of the embryo is connected. For example, umbilical excrement (feces of infants within two or three days of birth); Umbilical stem (umbilical cord); Umbilical bite (meaning regret is hard to recover); Umbilical burning (refers to the death of the prime villain) (3) The operculum on the abdomen of crabs is called "round umbilicus" for females and "pointed umbilicus" for males [bell flap] (4) The concave convex part in the center of some objects is like navel. Such as: melon navel; Navel orange
  • Umbilicus qí ㄑㄧˊ 1. The mark of umbilical cord falling off on the belly. The umbilical cord is the tube between the fetus' belly and the mother's placenta to absorb nutrition: the navel. 2. Crustacea under the belly of a crab: hilum (male). Umbilical ball (female).
  • Bellybutton. A depression in the center of the ventral surface of human beings and other mammals formed by the shedding of the umbilical cord.
  • The hard shell under the belly of a crab. The male pointed shape is called "hilum"; The female's round shape is called the "round navel".
  • The bump in the center of the object. [Words]: "melon navel".
  • The central part of the abdomen of humans and other mammals, the depression after the umbilical cord has fallen off. [Words]: navel
  • The hard shell under the belly of a crab. The male has a pointed shape, which is called "hilum"; The female has a round shape, which is called "round navel".
  • The central part of the abdomen of humans and mammals, where the umbilical cord falls off at birth. [Words]: "navel", "umbilical cord".
  • The hard shell under the belly of a crab. The male is pointed, which is called "hilum"; The round shape of the female is called "round navel".

Basic explanation of umbilicus


    qí ㄑㄧˊ

    1. The mark of umbilical cord falling off on the belly. The umbilical cord is the tube between the fetus' belly and the mother's placenta to absorb nutrition: the navel.

    2. Crustacea under the belly of a crab: hilum (male). Umbilical ball (female).

Pictograph of navel

 Gold inscription on navel Seal character of navel Liu Shu Tong Zi of navel

English explanation of navel

Name [physiology] navel; umbilicus;theabdomenofacrab;hilumomphalos;

Umbilical words

  • Laying navel medicine cake :

  • Snake hilum :

    A kind of flower produced in ancient Zhunian country. "General Textual Research of Literature · Four Descendants Nine": "There are white jasmine, loose silk, snake umbilicus, water banana and other national flowers in Zhunian."

  • Umbilical cord transfer :

    Spindle for grinding. One of Song Mei Yaochen's "Tea Mill" poems: "Chu craftsmen cut mountain bones and cut sandalwood into umbilicus."

  • Umbilicus wind :

    ◎ Name of umbilical wind q í f  ng [tetanus neonatorium] disease. Also known as wind twitching, seven day silence, four or six day wind, seven day wind. That is neonatal tetanus. System

  • Hilum :

  • umbilical artery :

  • Musk navel :

    That is musk. Song Luyou's words in Huanshaxi · Nanzheng Seats: "The phoenix ruler is cut into bloody color, and the chi toilet box is smoked with musk navel incense." See "musk incense".

  • navel :

  • it is too late to repent :

    ◎ How about sh ì q í - h é j í [useless to reget; reply

  • Grinding umbilicus :

    Grinding shaft. It is shaped like a human umbilical cord, hence its name. The second volume of Zhu Zi Yulei: "The South Pole and the North Pole are the hubs of heaven. Only here can we keep still like grinding umbilicus."

Idioms with Umbilical Characters

The first word is the idiom of navel: Umbilical fat self illumination

The second word is the idiom of navel: it is too late to repent it is too late to repent it is too late to repent

The third word is the idiom of navel:

The fourth word is the idiom of navel:

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