Hu's Pinyin _ Hu's Bi Shun _ Hu's Meaning
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The pinyin of Hu, the order of writing of Hu, and the meaning of Hu

 blessing  The dynamic graph of Hu's order of strokes
blessing Pinyin: h ù/ hu Phonetic: ㄏㄨ Leader: External strokes: 5 strokes Total strokes: 9 Structure: left and right structure Five PYDG Cang Jie: IFJR Zheng Code: WSEJ Code: 4375 UNICODE:795C Four corners: 34260 Location code: 7679 Bi Shun No.: 452412251

Order of strokes

 spot  Cross Skim/Cross Hook  vertical  spot  transverse  vertical  vertical  Transverse fold  transverse

Refined version of Hu's interpretation

  • ◎ Hu Name (Pictophoney. Cong Shi, ancient sound. Original meaning: Fu; Da Fu) Same as original meaning [blessing; bliss;happiness]。 For example, Hu Xiu (auspicious, happy and beautiful)
  • blessing hù ㄏㄨˋ ◎ Fu: Receive the heavenly blessing.
  • Blessing. The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, and Xinnanshan: "When a great grandson died, he received the call of heaven." The second of the two "Poems of Sorrow and indignation" written by Cai Yan of Han Dynasty: "When the lament is thin and the call of God comes from the world, the clan is wasted."
  • Blessing. [Words]: Bo Hu, Shoutian Zhihu

Hu Basic Interpretation


    hù ㄏㄨˋ

    ◎ Fu: Receive the heavenly blessing.

The Pictographic Characters of Hu

 Jin Wen of Hu Jin Wen of Hu Seal Characters of Hu The Six Characters of Hu

The English Interpretation of Hu

Definition of ablessing;

Words of Hu

  • Chu Hu :

    First blessed by God. In the eulogy of Emperor Wen written by Cao Zhi of the Wei Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms Period, "The spirits of the gods are worshipped and the auspicious spirits are subdued, and Huang Chuchu is called the Hu."

  • Linghu :

    A blessing from the gods. The Book of Jin · Music Annals: "The heavenly order should be experienced by Zen and inherit the Linghu."

  • Hu Xiu :

    Auspicious, happy and beautiful. The Book of the Han Dynasty · Rites and Music Annals: "If you are generous, you can rest with the great Hu." Yan Shigu notes: "Hu is a blessing; rest is a beauty."

  • Receive the Heavenly Hu :

    Blessed by God.

  • Lahu nationality :

    One of China's ethnic minorities. They call themselves Lahu Na, Lahu Xi and Lahu Pu. The population is 304000. They mainly live in Lancang and Menglian, Yunnan, and the rest are scattered in Shuangjiang, Gengma and other places.

  • Shenhu :

    Blessed by the gods. The Selected Works, Yan Yanzhi's Song Jiao Sacrifice Song: "I recommend Wang Zhong to answer the God Hu." Li Shanzhu: "Changyang Fu" says: 'Blessed by the gods and men, Hu.' "Li Zhouhan notes:" Hu, Fu

  • Emperor Hu :

    Blessings from the Emperor of Heaven. In Selected Works, Lu Yun's Poem "The Grand General Was Appointed to Write at a Banquet": "The emperor Hu, born with a glorious life," Lv Xiang noted: "Hu, a blessing."

  • Chuihu :

    Blessing. "History of the Song Dynasty, Music Annals 8": "All the good omens come together, and there are endless hanging lakes."

  • Accept the Hu :

    Be blessed. The language version of "Poem · Xiaoya · Xinnanshan": "The great grandson received the Hu from heaven after his longevity test

  • Chengtian Zhihu :

    Undertaken: suffered; Hu: Fu. Be blessed by God.

Idioms with the word Hu

The first word is the idiom of Hu:

The second word is the idiom of Hu:

The third word is the idiom of Hu:

The fourth word is the idiom of Hu: Chengtian Zhihu

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