Pinyin of dial _ stroke order of dial _ meaning of dial
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Pinyin of dial, stroke order of dial, meaning of dial

 Sundial  Dynamic graph of the stroke order of the dial
Sundial Pinyin: gu ǐ/ gui Phonetic: ㄍㄨ Leader: Day External strokes: 8 strokes Total strokes: 12 strokes Structure: upper middle lower structure Five JTHK Cang Jie: AHOR Zheng Code: KRIJ Code: 2534 UNICODE:6677 Four corners: 60604 Location code: 7448 Bi Shun No.: 251135424251

Order of strokes

 vertical  Transverse fold  transverse  transverse  Prime  Cross Skim/Cross Hook  Press  vertical  spot  vertical  Transverse fold  transverse

Refined edition of the explanation of the dial

  • ◎ Dial Name (1) (Form sound. From the sun, blame sound. Original meaning: shadow) (2) Same as the original meaning [a shadow cast by the sun] The sundial is also the view of the sun—— Shuowen Before the sundial can be moved by day, I will serve him—— Han Dynasty, Zhang Heng's Ode to Xijing After a long stalemate, the sundial gradually moved—— Ma Zhongxi's Biography of the Zhongshan Wolf (3) Another example is: Dial Ze (the shadow is westward); Sundial (the shadow projected on the gnomon); Dial; The view of the dial (the projection of the dial; the shadow of the sun); Dial column (4) Sunlight; Light A candle lit by glow is like a sundial—— Hanshu · Biography of Li Xun The moon dial is auspicious—— Book of the Song Dynasty - Biography of Xie Zhuang When spring comes, I feel sleepy. The sundial moves the shade, and the screen closes—— Song Dynasty · Chaiwang's "Niannu Jiao" (5) Day The sundial fastens the night and fishes under the stage—— Collection of Relics by Wang Jia of Jin Dynasty (6) Time There is nothing but treasure in a dial—— Jin, Pan Zhengshu, "Give Lu Ji the Order to Be a Doctor of King Wu" (7) (Fan Yu: Meiyu) with no time to spare When ordered to do so, he was bound to go out and carved on an uninhibited dial—— Fang Bao's Miscellaneous Notes in Prison (8) Another example: sundial carving (for a moment); Dial (for a moment); The dial is free (for a moment); Sundial (9) A sundial, an instrument that measures time according to the shadow of the sun. It is also called a sundial After the winter solstice, set up a silhouette on the dial to measure the sun, moon and stars—— Jin Shu, Lu Sheng Chuan, Zhengtian Lun (10) Another example is the dial watch (the pole on the sundial); Sundial carving (sundial and sundial carving); Sundial leakage (sundial and leakage); Dial degree (11) Through the "rail". Orbit Obey the weather and the people, and the five stars are in the same dial—— Hanshu
  • Sundial guǐ ㄍㄨㄟˇ 1. Sunshadow. 2. [sundial] an instrument for measuring time according to the shadow of the sun. It is also called "daily gauge". 3. Time: The sun has no sundial.
  • Sunlight and shadow. "Shuowen Jiezi. The Ministry of Sun": "The sundial is the scene of the sun." "The Book of the Han Dynasty, Vol. 100, Narration and Biography II":
  • An instrument that uses the shadow of the sun to determine time. [Words]: "Measuring shadows with a vertical dial". It is also called "daily rule".
  • Time, time. [Words]: "The sun has no sundial". The sixth of the six poems of Jin Panni's "Presenting Lu Ji to the Doctor of the King of Wu": "The inch dial is only a treasure
  • An instrument that uses the shadow of the sun to determine time. [Words]: Measuring shadow with a vertical dial △ Heliograph
  • An instrument that uses the shadow of the sun to determine time. [Words]: "sundial", "standing sundial to measure shadow".
  • Sunlight and shadow. [Words]: "Burn plaster and follow the dial".

Basic Interpretation of Dial


    guǐ ㄍㄨㄟˇ

    1. Sunshadow.

    2. [sundial] an instrument for measuring time according to the shadow of the sun. It is also called "daily gauge".

    3. Time: The sun has no sundial.

Pictograph of Dial

 The seal characters of the dial

English Explanation of Dial

Definition: ashadowcastbysun; time;

Words of the dial

  • Submergence dial :

    Long time. The New Book of the Tang Dynasty, Biography of Zheng Tian: "I will fight against Pang Xun, a Xuzhou thief, and I will write numerous edicts. I will never forget my thoughts on the dial, and I will write brilliantly, all of which are very important." Tang Yin of the Ming Dynasty, "Fu Chengwei and Ji Wang

  • A sharp dial :

    The swift shadow of the sun. It is a metaphor for the flying time. In the poem "The Plum Blossom Show in Mingjue Mountain Appears to be a Wonderful Old Man" written by Wang Xuan of the Song Dynasty, "The sharp dial and the galloping wheel will rest at the end of the year, and I will turn into an ice rut in a deserted village."

  • Sundial column :

    That is, dial watch. Yan Zhitui of the Northern Qi Dynasty, Yan's Family Instructions: Documentary Evidence: "Those who live in shade are called scenery because of light, so they are called scenery. Huainanzi is called scenery column, and Guangya says: 'The sundial column hangs the scenery.' It is also true." See "

  • spare time :

    Refers to the days when they are free. Lin Zexu of Qing Dynasty wrote in the Book of Answering Gong Ding An: "The work was reported in the capital before the month, and the ground was so busy that there was no time to carve a dial, and only one clear instruction was given, but the memory was not exhausted." Xue Fucheng of Qing Dynasty wrote "Yong Zhi Notes, Youguai One

  • A poor sundial :

    It is still the end of the day. Wang Jia of the Jin Dynasty, "Records of the Handicrafts of the Former Han Dynasty": "The emperor (Xuandi) often used the moon in the autumn to catch a glimpse of the moon, and the boat was full of Heng, Lan and Yun

  • Wind eaves inch sundial :

    It is said that in the imperial examination era, the examination room was cold, the time was urgent, and it was very difficult. Xie Zhaoqi of the Ming Dynasty wrote "Five Miscellaneous Zu · Shibu 3":

  • Don't dial :

    Time of departure. Xie Zhan of the Southern Song Dynasty wrote a poem in which Wang Fujun, Yu Xiyang, was sent back to the east for Yu Zhang, the governor of Yuzhang, when he set apart: "There is no fixed end in the morning, and there is speed in the dial."

  • Step-down sundial :

    1. It means night and day. Tang Hanyu's Understanding of Learning: "Burn the ointment oil to follow the dial, and always stay in poverty." Ming anonymous's Ming Feng Ji Zou comforts the summer solitary: "Embroidery adds lights, and every student stays in the middle of the night

  • Sundial :

    It's been a long time. In the Preface to the Five Wu Draft of Planting Lotus Seeds by Zhang Juzheng of the Ming Dynasty: "The world is so proud of the steed that it is said to stand up to it; so it is also said to stand up to it. If the sun gathers on the dial, the lead sabre will be born in one cut, and the inferior horse will go thousands of miles..."

  • Diorite :

    The shadow of the sun slants to the west. It is late. "The Biography of Han Qilin in the Northern History": "[Your Majesty] speaks to Baipi, thinks about all kinds of things, eats on a dial, and sleeps at midnight."

Idioms with Dial Characters

The first word is the idiom of the dial:

The second word is the idiom of the dial: Sundial burning ointment

The third word is the idiom of the dial:

The fourth word is the idiom of the dial: burn a candle to lengthen the midnight oil in hard study Sundial Wind eaves inch sundial for a very short time with no time to spare Burning plaster sundial

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