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Pinyin of "Zhong", stroke order of "Zhong", meaning of "Zhong"

 many  Dynamic graph of stroke order
many Pinyin:/ zhong Phonetic: ㄓㄨㄥ Leader: person External strokes: 4 strokes Total strokes: 6 Structure: Pinzi structure Five WWWUs Cang Jie: OOO Zheng Ma: ODOO Code: 5883 UNICODE:4F17 Four corners: 80880 Location code: 5458 Bi Shun No.: 343434

Order of strokes

 Prime  Press  Prime  spot  Prime  Press

Fine edition of public interpretation

  • ◎ Public People Name (1) (Comprehension. "The crowd" follows three people. "Three" means many people. "The crowd" means all people stand. "The crowd" is in the shape of oracle bone inscription. It is like many people working in the scorching sun. Original meaning: all people, all people.) (2) Same as original meaning [multitude; everyone] Three people are the masses—— Mandarin · Zhou Language Kun is the public—— Yi Shuogua The ceremony of the master should be performed by all, the ceremony of Dajun should be performed by all, the ceremony of Datian should be simplified by all, the ceremony of great service should be performed by all, and the ceremony of Dafeng should be performed by all—— Zhou Li, Big Brother Settle down and live again, which is called common people—— The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Yang Zhongzhuan The mediocre crowd becomes wild—— Xunzi - Self cultivation. Note: "All people, all people." All evils must be observed—— The Analects of Confucius, Duke Wei Linggong It is hard to offend others—— Zuo Zhuan: Ten Years of Xianggong What can people do without being aggressive—— Answering Sima's Admonishment by Wang Anshi This teaches me to be the first to show respect—— Records of the Historian: Chen Shi Family The crowd is full of doubts—— Zhuge Liang's Example of the Later Dispatch Stimulate public anger—— Xue Fucheng, Qing Dynasty, "Notes on Painting in Paris" The people of my village—— Qing Dynasty, Xu Ke, "Qing barnyard banknotes, wars" (3) And Everyone is excited. (4) And Lead the crowd to attack. (5) Another example: all beaks (gossip of all people); The crowd clamoured (the crowd clamoured); The target of everyone's resentment; All forces (all forces); Public speaking; All men (people; ordinary people); All omens (all people); All eyes (all eyes); All hearts (all hearts); audience; audience; Mass; Congregation; In public; The public (the masses of the people); The public (the majority of people in society); Masses (6) Everything When political affairs fail to be implemented, it is inappropriate to impose them on the body and make mistakes in front—— The Book of Rites - Zhongni Yanju (7) Another example: the names of all things; All things exist; All thoughts (all thoughts); All things (all things; all things); All Saints (8) Refers to officials; All official The five features of the Son of Heaven are Situ, Sima, Sikong, Sishi, Sikou, and Diansi—— The Book of Rites (9) Another example: all officials (officials other than your officials. In ancient times, it generally refers to officials at all levels); All ministers (ministers other than noble ministers, namely all scholars) (10) Soldier; The army. Ding Zhuang is also a soldier; army Lead tens of thousands of people. (People refer to the army.) -- Historical Records: Biographies of Yu Qing, the King of the Plain (11) Another example: numerous forces (especially military forces); Soldiers (ordinary soldiers) (12) Slaves engaged in agricultural production or people in charge of slaves in Yin and Zhou [slave] Ge! All of you, listen to me—— Book - Tang Shi (13) Buddhist language. Used to refer to the number of believers [monk number] A group of three people bid farewell to their elders and relatives and friends, and left for the west—— Journey to the West (14) Another example is: human nature (Buddhist language. sentient beings); All living beings (generally referring to human beings and all animals; referring to all kinds of animals except human beings) (15) Last Name
  • Public zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ 1. Many: opposite to "few": people. numerous. a target for all. numerous living beings. 2. Many people: the public. The masses. People. public clamor can melt metals. under the watchful eyes of the people. deserted by one's followers. many hands make work easy.
  • Many people. [Words]: "the masses", "the audience". "Zuo Zhuan, Four Years of Hiding from Public Life": "It's hard to help people who have betrayed their relatives."
  • Ordinary. [Words]: "All living beings". "Songs of Chu, Qu Yuan, Fisherman": "Everyone is drunk and I wake up alone."
  • Many. [Words]: "numerous". Tang Dynasty. Du Fu's poem "Watching the Mountains": "When you will be on the top of the mountain, you will see all the mountains."
  • Many people. [Words]: the masses, the audience, the people betray their relatives
  • Large quantity. It is opposite to oligopoly. [Words]: Many people have different opinions
  • Many. [Words]: "numerous", "all beings", "all people", "all stars and the moon".
  • Many people. [Words]: "the public", "the audience", "the people speak for gold", "the people betray their relatives".

Public basic explanation


    zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ

    1. Many: opposite to "few": people. numerous. a target for all. numerous living beings.

    2. Many people: the public. The masses. People. public clamor can melt metals. under the watchful eyes of the people. deserted by one's followers. many hands make work easy.

Many Pictographs

Popular English explanation

Many; numerous;alotof; First name (many people); crowd;themasses;


Write down six strokes

three people

What do you mean

Many people

Multiple antonyms

Words of the public

  • a motley crew :

    It is also said that there is a ragtag crowd. On Six Dynasties by Wei Cao of the Three Kingdoms Period: "So the Han Zu fought with a three foot sword to drive away the crowd of black people and became an emperor in five years."

  • Women :

    In the ancient patriarchal clan system, the wife of the first born son was the tomb wife, and the wives of the sons were called "ladies". Also known as betrothal wife, concubine. In the Book of Rites - Internal Rules, "The betrothed woman is invited to the grave woman", Zheng Xuan of Han Dynasty noted: "The betrothed woman is all women." Press, "Erya

  • deliver the goods :

    To fail: to fail; People: people; Expectations: Expectations. Live up to everyone's expectations.

  • Let everyone know :

  • Numerous gates :

    All portals. Tang Luxiong's Ode to Heaven and Earth: "The two bodies of movement and stillness are covered, and the gates of the general cage are covered."

  • Debate among the public :

  • Mass heroism :

    That is "revolutionary heroism" (page 1236).

  • A multitude of people :

    1. Public opinions; Public opinion. The Warring States Policy · Qin Cesan: "Three people make a tiger, ten people are willing to move, and fly without wings." The Book of Han · Biography of Liu Xiang: "It's hard to get up and down, but it's also hard to get around

  • a vast country with an immense population :

    It refers to vast land and numerous people.

  • People and people :

    It refers to ordinary people and outstanding talents in the country. The language version of "Warring States Policy · Zhao Ceyi": "Yu Rang said: 'A minister is Fan Zhongxing's surname, and Fan Zhongxing's surname meets a minister with all people, so all officials report it to him; a scholar is a national scholar

Idioms with many characters

The first word is a popular idiom: All the hairs accumulate All the people destroyed It's hard for everyone to move all are besotted except one who remained sober all the stars twinkled around the bright moon Likes and dislikes of all the disparity of numerical strength is too great people are unanimous in their opinion Everyone swears

The second word is a popular idiom: out of the ordinary bully Outstanding Use the crowd to outnumber the weak If you break all the trees, you will break the wall million people united as one man curry favour by claptrap against heavy odds out of the ordinary

The third word is a popular idiom: One Singer and the Crowd Deep popularity adopt good advice from all quarters take across sentient beings universally be all ears and eyes all beings All ghosts and ghosts do one 's utmost to hold one 's own opinion against that of the majority preeminent

The fourth word is a popular idiom: To create rumors and confuse people a vast country with an immense population Punish less than others overwhelm with numerical strength One does not dominate the others, and one does not follow the others spread rumours to confuse the people mobilize too many troops To deceive others by taking advantage of the time Vent one's anger on others

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