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Download the latest version of Android

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  • Type: Other Games
  • size: 585.1M
  • to update: 2023-08-14
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Rating:

The latest version of Android is a Jianghu martial arts mobile game adapted from Jin Yong's famous novel. It uses the perfect world's self-developed engine, Era, to create and construct a real 3D immersive real experience of the martial arts world. It restores the story of the original book, the Dragon Slaughter by Heaven, as well as various classic martial arts Character construction and so on allow players to experience the immersive experience in the original novel more immersively, and feel the different real experience in that period.

Download the latest features of the latest version of Android

The latest version of Android is a multi role cultivating RPG martial arts mobile game peak created by Jin Yong with the exclusive authorization of Jin Yong. Players will follow the recommendation of the main story of the game and truly feel that they have gone through all kinds of hardships from the loss of parents in childhood to the peak of martial arts and the harvest of sweet love.

There are various complex system settings, fresh playing methods, huge maps, and participation in activities such as the attack of Yuan soldiers and battle achievements. As long as players play online, they will have the opportunity to constantly obtain various official welfare content, so let's join in.

Software mapping

  •  Download the latest version of Android
  •  Download the story of Yitian Slaughtering the Dragon
  •  Heaven Reliant Dragon Slaughter

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