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What is the exchange code of Shining Warm Double Clothes? Share the exchange code of Shining Warm Double Clothes

Update time: 2023-12-07 10:13:02 Source: Internet

What's the exchange code for Shining Warm Double Clothes? Shining Warm recently has two server exchange codes that can be obtained. Players can obtain these exchange codes and exchange many rewards. These rewards can bring a lot of help to players. The game also has a variety of play methods designed to bring players a lot of fun. Players can collect many beautiful clothes in the game. These clothes are rich in types, It can bring a lot of fun for players to change clothes. In the game, players can also experience many new playing methods, as well as a variety of fun modes. Different modes will have different playing methods, which will bring a lot of fun for players. Many players don't know what the dual server exchange code is. Here is a detailed introduction to the dual server exchange code, If you don't know what the double server exchange code is, you can come here to have a look. After reading it, you will know what the double server exchange code is. Come and find out.

Shining Warm Hand Tour
  • Type: Leisure puzzle
  • size: 1892.65M
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
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Shining warm double service exchange code sharing

1、 Introduction to exchange code

1. Fantasy


3. Flower language wish

4. Warm every year

5. Companion with one heart

6. Warm winter wish

7. Warm Birthday Crazy Happy

8. Beautiful Dream and Encounter

2、 Usage

1. Enter the game interface, click the player's avatar in the upper left corner to go to the setting interface.

2. Find the redemption code option in the settings and enter it to receive rewards.

These are the exchange code sharing of Shining Warm Double Service. There will be many strategies to play in the download of the Red Federation. If you want, you can have a look.

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