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How much did Apple's iPhone 14 reduce its price? The iPhone 14 Pro series was removed from Apple's official website

Updated on: 2023-09-14 16:20:33 Source: Internet

How much has Apple's iPhone 14 reduced its price? As we all know, Apple has always been one of the most trusted and favorite telecom equipment manufacturers in the world. No matter which series of models, it will bring users many choices and surprises. Most importantly, the design of each mobile phone, computer and iPad is quite beautiful, which is very in line with the aesthetics of most people. Now, the iPhone 15 series that everyone has been waiting for has been officially launched. Although many small partners are waiting for this Apple launch, some of them are just waiting for the release of the iPhone 15 series to buy the iPhone 14 series. After all, the reputation of the iPhone 14 series is quite good. So how much has the price of the iPhone 14 been reduced by Apple? You can now learn the latest news about the iPhone 14 series through the information below.

How much has Apple iPhone 14 reduced its price

According to Apple's official website in China, on September 13, after the release of the iPhone 15 series, the price of the iPhone 14 series was reduced. Among them, the price of iPhone 14 is 5399 yuan for the 128GB version, 6399 yuan for the 256GB version, and 8399 yuan for the 512GB version, with price reductions of 600 yuan, 500 yuan, and 300 yuan respectively. The price of the iPhone 14 Plus is 5999 yuan for the 128GB version, 6999 yuan for the 256GB version, and 8999 yuan for the 512GB version. Compared with the selling price, the prices are reduced by 1000 yuan, 900 yuan, and 700 yuan respectively. In addition, the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max models have been removed from Apple's official website.

The above content is the introduction of Apple's iPhone 14 series brought by Xiaobian. Thank you for your reading and recognition!

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