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Who will be the MVP staff of tomorrow's Ark to eliminate this special puddle? Introduction to MVP staff of tomorrow's Ark to eliminate this special puddle

Updated on: 2023-09-04 18:40:46 Source: Internet

Who are the MVP staff of the Ark tomorrow to eliminate this special puddle? There are many MVP officers in this special small puddle in the Ark tomorrow. These officers are very practical and can bring a lot of help to players. The officers in the game have their own fighting skills. Players can match many interesting formations according to the skills of different officers to better deal with the challenges of the game and win the battle, There are many interesting mode challenges in the game. Players can complete various mode challenges and obtain new rewards. These rewards can be used to improve the character's strength, unlock more playing methods, and give more help to the players. Many players do not know who is the MVP agent of the game. Here is a detailed introduction of who is the MVP agent of the game, If you don't know who MVP officers are, you can have a look.

Download Tomorrow's Ark
  • Type: Strategic tower defense
  • size: 1.06G
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
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Introduction to MVP staff of tomorrow's Ark exterminating this special small puddle

Tomorrow's Ark opened a new eradication version, which is a special puddle. This time, we talked about the MVP officers involved in the new eradication replica. We had to say that the more we used the Tifeng card, the more fragrant it was, the higher the output was, and the convenience of hanging up was really arrogant. However, because the overall difficulty of the eradication replica was not high, the officers used were more old and traditional.

Hongdi/Luming/Pure Love/Saima

It doesn't matter who the nurse uses here. Nightingales and Shining Spirit are also enough, but I prefer pure love and lumen. One is that hanging up the phone can save trouble and restrain the debuff mechanism in the underworld. Moreover, the scope of the nurse is very wide, so it can hang up the phone. It highlights a comfortable feeling, and Saima and Hongdi don't explain.

Star bear/blame/mudstone

The heavy duty officers were very popular this time, because there were many places that really needed hard resistance. Mudstone and Star Bear performed very well, but the best performance was actually reprimand, because the overall quality and intensity of the enemy was not high this time, and the frequency of the appearance was also on the axis of reprimand. Basically, a single blow to a child would not break the shield, which was too stable.

Tefeng/fatty duck/water aging

The performance of the sniper officers was also very good. Fat Duck and Tifeng had excellent hang up feeling. The middle platform was prepared for the two officers alone. Once their skills were opened, Tifeng's strength was really overbearing. Of course, the water is also cool, but it's a little bit like a cannon hitting mosquitoes. It's unnecessary to highlight one.

Little Sheep/Little Fire Dragon/Chengshan

The warlocks are indispensable here. There is no doubt that the three warlocks have played well. However, the most popular ones this time should be Chengshan and the little fire dragon strictly. The high platform on the left side was set up for the little fire dragon to burn, and Chengshan's two skills can be directly put to rot after warming up.

Huang/thorn/mountain/elder brother/horn

However, this time, the backbone is still the foundation stone. The thorns and mountains are not very common, but they can also be used. After the module is opened, the strength rises with wind and water, and the harvesting efficiency is higher and faster. The output of the horn and the eldest brother is also completely reliable, with a proper sense of top fluid.

These are the introduction of the MVP staff of tomorrow's Ark to eliminate this special puddle. There will be many related strategies available for the download of the Red Federation, so don't miss the ones you need.

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