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The Fifth Personality 29 Season Essence 1 Treasure Box Rewards What are there 29 Season Essence 1 Treasure Box Rewards Introduction

Updated on: 2023-09-04 17:31:23 Source: Internet

What is the reward of the fifth personality 29 season essence 1 treasure chest? The fifth personality is a multiplayer online confrontation pursuit game that is extremely popular and sought after by young people. The player's task in the game is very simple. First, you should select appropriate roles according to your camp to participate in the battle. The supervisor's task is to hunt down all the survivors. The survivors' task is to constantly escape and survive. At the same time, they need to obtain more clues to solve the puzzle, In short, any young people will love it! Recently, this fifth personality mobile game officially released the long-awaited 29th season, and released the season specific essence 1 treasure chest. At this time, some kids were curious about what rewards can be obtained in the essence 1 treasure chest? Then I will take you to learn about it in all aspects!

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  • Type: cosplay
  • size: 1.97G
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
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The Fifth Personality 29 Season Essence 1 Treasure Box Rewards

1、 Treasure chest reward

The 28th season · Essence 2 - the gift of essence goes online!

When the visitors draw this essence 80/130/180 times, they will get [Head] Guard 26 - Shoal/[Head] Batter - Tungsten/[Head] Cheerleader - Ying~

[Head portrait] Guard 26 - Shoal

[Head portrait] Batter - Tungsten

[Head portrait] cheerleader - Ying

2、 Background story

The mine caves are full of special phosphorescent ores, which once brought wealth to their ancestors, but also brought the curse of phosphorescence to them. The harsh living environment gave birth to two schools of thought:

The exiles who want to leave the mine and go to the ground, and the left behind who insist that the light on the ground will make the phosphorescence patients disappear.

The left behind faction rules the underground city, but the young people who live in the mine cave all the year round are always curious about the world outside the mine cave.

They will hold a contest every month on the brightest day of the moon.

The best competitors can go through layers of obstacles, peep into a corner of the world on the ground, and see the real stars. This is the so-called "star race".

Well, the above is the introduction of the fifth personality 29 season essence 1 treasure chest reward integrated by the Red Federation website. Thank you for your reading and love!

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