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Where to go, where to go, where to go, where to go, where to visit the entrance of the blind box of the travel ticket

Updated on: 2023-06-14 09:25:39 Source: Internet

Where is the blind box of travel ticket? Where to travel is a necessary mobile phone software for travel. You can book hotels, scenic spots tickets, train tickets and air tickets in a one-stop way, which not only provides great convenience, but also saves users a lot of travel expenses. You can also refund or change tickets anytime and anywhere. With the liberalization of the epidemic, more than a few small partners will choose to go out for a walk every holiday. Our travel app has even launched a very cost-effective air ticket blind box. The price is certain, and the air ticket is where you drive, which makes many small partners very excited. But how to open the ticket blind box interface and place an order is a step that many small partners do not understand, so let's take a look at the detailed blind box introduction~

Where is the blind box of travel ticket

Go to Qunar Travel APP, click [Youth Unlimited Travel Blind Box] on the home page

Select the departure place on the page of the travel blind box and click Buy

All right, the above content is about where to go, the blind box entrance of the travel ticket. If you need it, go and open one~

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