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What are the rewards for the Dragon Boat Festival? List of rewards for the Dragon Boat Festival

Updated on: June 2, 2023:17:15:44 Source: Internet

What are the rewards of Dragon Boat Festival, the king of salted fish? The King of Salted Fish is a very decompressed and exciting card strategy competitive mobile game. As the most popular card hanging battle game, you can spend a little time every day to enter the game and experience an exciting battle. No matter how much trouble and pressure will be eliminated, and no matter whether you win or lose, you can just enjoy the game. The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. As all the old players who know about this game of King of Salted Fish know, the game will launch unique exclusive activities to bring more happiness and welfare to everyone every year, and this year's Dragon Boat Festival is no exception. Although the Dragon Boat Festival has not been officially launched yet, it is necessary to know about the rewards of the activities in advance with the small editor, and be ready for all challenges.

What are the rewards of Dragon Boat Festival, the king of salted fish

1、 Activity rewards

The main activity of the Dragon Boat Festival is the reward task, including recruitment reward, treasure chest reward, capture reward, salt pot reward, gold brick reward. Consume or use to obtain points. If the points reach the standard, you can obtain ordinary dumplings and drumsticks (drumsticks are used for club games)

Each task has a star rating, and the highest star rating is five stars. The higher the star rating, the more dumplings and drumsticks will be obtained to complete the task. Ordinary dumplings can generate a lot of resources, and ordinary dumplings can generate golden brown.

Rewards offered by 72 rice dumplings:

Gold Palm can be used to exchange resources:

2、 Activity demand

It is estimated that the resources to be hoarded include 3000 recruitment orders, 8 rounds of treasure chest points, 700 gold fishing rods and 250000 gold bricks.

Now let's share the rewards of Dragon Boat Festival, the king of salted fish. Players must not miss the event~

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