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The seventh epic free ten company roles Who's the best? The seventh epic free ten company role selection suggestions

Updated on: 2023-05-13 16:23:29 Source: Internet

Who is the best character in the seventh epic free ten company? At the beginning of the seventh epic game, there will be a free ten company role to choose from. These roles have various combat skills, and each role has certain advantages. Each battle of the game requires players to arrange various roles to fight. Players can match various lineups according to the skills of different roles, so as to better meet the challenges of the game and complete the challenges of the game, You can get a lot of resource rewards and unlock new stories. The story of the game is very exciting, which can bring a lot of interesting experiences to players. In the game, players can also experience many new battles. Many players don't know who is the best role of the free ten company characters. Here is a detailed introduction of who is the best role of the free ten company characters, I don't know whose best partner can come here to learn about the free ten company roles.

The seventh epic free ten company role selection suggestions

Three star character Wu Wei is the best one in the free ten company, and the best one is the five-star artifact: Star Song+four-star water milk (Angelica), all based on stable dragon 13;

There are too many roles that can be replaced in this game, whether it is maze or tower climbing. Even many three stars and four stars can be used for your pension, but the magic tools are different. Only a few can be used;

The Star Song is a necessary accessory whether it is the racing dragon 13 or the stability of dragon 13, and even the maze climbing tower has excellent performance;

Anyone who has ever played with the difficulty of obtaining a specific artifact knows that unless you have the money to smoke up, it is possible to get a five-star coupon from Mufei and Munai, even if you don't get it, it will not affect the sense of experience.

These are the role selection suggestions of the seventh epic free ten companies. There will be many useful strategies for the download of the red couplets, and you can have a look if you want.

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