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How to eliminate video original sound by clipping

Updated on: March 13, 2023 09:37:29 Source: Internet

How to eliminate the original sound of the video? Clipping is an extremely powerful video editing artifact, which can be used to edit and process videos in any format. The ultra simple operation mode allows each partner to easily create original and interesting short videos. The most important thing is that all functions and materials are provided for free. In fact, video editing is a very patient and careful thing. If you often need to edit, you can choose this clip app, because it will provide you with the most detailed instructions for the use of tools. It is no problem to deal with the effects of both pictures and sounds. Most videos will have some noise and original sound more or less when shooting. If you want to remove the original sound of the video, you can follow the steps of editing closely to refer to the following steps.

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  • Type: Photography
  • size: 65.12M
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
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How to eliminate the original sound of video

Enter the clip and click [+] to add the video to eliminate the sound,

Then we can see that the video is added and can be edited,

Click the [Close Original Sound] button below,

Then you can see that the original sound has been turned off,

Then drag the vertical bar below to the end of the video to eliminate the sound in the whole video, and click Export,

Finally, the audio cancellation video can be exported to the mobile phone or launched to other places,

All right, the above is all the information about how to eliminate the original sound of the video. Thank you for your reading and liking~

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