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Railway 12306 can cancel several orders a day

Update time: 2022-10-04 13:57:30 Source: Internet

How many times can railway 12306 cancel an order a day? Railway 12306 is the most reliable online train ticket ordering software at present. Users can not only easily query all train number information at any time and destination, but also directly book tickets and seats with their mobile phones, whether they buy tickets for themselves or for relatives and friends. Of course, if you need to buy a ticket, you'd better make a reservation to avoid some unnecessary problems. You don't have to worry about what to do if your schedule changes. You can directly open this railway 12306 to change or refund the ticket, and it can be operated at any time. At this time, many children were curious about the impact of canceling tickets many times in a day. I compiled some materials about this related question, and you may find the answer.

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Railway 12306 can cancel orders several times a day

Train tickets can be cancelled three times a day. After the number of cancellations reaches three times on the same day, you can no longer buy train tickets on the same day. If you want to continue to buy train tickets, you can go to the manual ticket window or self-service ticket machine at the railway station to buy tickets, or ask others to help you buy train tickets online.

Cancelling the order for train tickets for three times only restricts the account number from purchasing train tickets on the same day, not restricting passengers in the order from continuing to purchase tickets online on the same day, so letting others help purchase tickets online is the most convenient solution.

The way for others to help buy train tickets is very simple. Just add your identity information to the other party's "passenger" information to help buy tickets.

12306 Solution for cancellation more than three times:

1. At the end of the time limit, you can use your account again to buy tickets, that is, at 5:00 a.m. the next day.

2. Let family and friends use their 12306 account to help buy tickets.

3. Buy tickets at the ticket window, self-service ticket machine or train ticket agency.

4. Borrow someone else's 12306 account to buy tickets.

The above is all the information I brought to you about how many orders can be cancelled in a day for railway 12306. If you want to see more, please pay attention to the Red Cross website.

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