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Introduction to where to replace the clipping image replacement function

Updated on: 2022-09-02 15:03:21 Source: Internet

Where is the cut image replacement function? There are super functions in the clip. Each function has different functions, which makes users sometimes unable to find the function they want. The purpose of the replacement function is mainly to replace videos. As the name implies, replacement allows players to feel easier to modify videos when doing video content, This purpose is very useful to leave the things you want to clip and replace the things you don't want, so that players can save too many steps in making videos, so that users can deeply feel the unprecedented sense of importance, and more convenient for users to operate. Many partners don't know where the replacement function is, Now, the editor will introduce to you in detail where the cut image replacement function is in the form of a graphic sketch, hoping to help you.

Where is the cut image replacement function

Click to start creation.

Step 3: click to select the video to edit.

Step 4: click the clip button below.

Step 5: Slide right and click to select replacement.

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