A synonym for unyielding to death
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Vow to die rather than yield. Zhu Xi of Song Dynasty, "Lord Ba's Secret Reply to Sima Zhongjie's Official Postscript": "Sima Zhongjie's official battle is to capture the court and swear to death and not surrender." Qing Zhaolian's "Xiaoting Anthology - Using Hong Wenxiang": "When Hong Gan met Emperor Ming, he swore to death and not surrender, bareheaded day and night, and swore incessantly." Liu Liu's "Flaming Gold and Steel" Chapter 27: "Yue Fei swore to death and not surrender, and today's five heroes fought on Langya Mountain. ”◎ Swear to die before yielding

A synonym for unyielding to death

  • die rather than submit nìng sǐ bù qū 
    They would rather sacrifice their lives than yield to each other. Zhao Bi of the Ming Dynasty, "The Collection of Mizuo · The Life of Yuan Yong, a Scholar of the Song Dynasty," said: "Resist the enemy with great righteousness, and rather die than surrender." Liu Baiyu, "The Happiness of Fighting in Jintai": "[in Jintai] is really a person who would rather die than surrender." Zhang Shushen, "The Song of Integrity": "Bruno would rather die than surrender, and was sentenced to capital punishment in February 1960." ◎ Prefer death rather than surrender n ì ngs ǐ - b ù q, [ratherdiethansubmit] would rather die, I would rather die than surrender. I would rather sacrifice my life than yield to the flames
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