A synonym for failing to close one's eyes to death
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Explanations for not closing your eyes to death

Never close your eyes when you die. It means that when you die, you will regret. The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms · Wu Zhi · Biography of Sun Jian: "Jian said: 'Zhuo (Dong Zhuo) rebelled against the sky and had no way to defeat the royal family. Today, if we do not barbarize the three tribes of Ru, and if the county shows the four seas, then I will not close my eyes when I die." "The Northern History · Biography of Chen Yuankang:" The battle of Mount Mount Mang is not in Yuankang's words, but in Fang Yiru's words. This is hatred, and I will not close my eyes when I die. "" The Ming History · Biography of Great Lieutenant Wu " : "I hate my mother, I hate my child, and I can't close my eyes when I die." Lu Xun's "The Continuation of Huagai Collection - Diary of Zaozhi": "I think if I don't regard this medicine as a 'quit smoking potion', he probably can't close his eyes when he dies." ◎

Close synonym for failing to close one's eyes to death

  • Hold grudges bào hèn huáng quán
    Huangquan: The underground where people are buried after death, referring to the underworld. When you leave the world with regret, you will die with regret.
  • Never close your eyes sǐ bù bì mù 
    The original meaning is that when people die, they still have something in mind. It is often used to describe being extremely unwilling. Same as "death with open eyes".
  • regret forever bào hèn zhōng tiān
    ◎ Hold grudges all the time b à oh è n-zh ō ngti  n [harbor eternallow] all the time: all the time, that is, all the life. It means to hold a grudge until the death of my mother, and hold a grudge all day long. Although I am there, I swear not to make a plan—— The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is filled with hatred, which can not be relieved until death. "Amazing at the First Moment. Vol. 18": "Who would have known that such a great change would make you hate all the time!" It is also called "hating all the time". Reference to the revised edition: I have hatred in my heart, and I can't let it go until I die. The first moment
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