A synonym for adapting to circumstances
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Appropriate measures shall be formulated according to the specific conditions at different times. "The Book of Jin · The Biography of Liu Songs": "When you meet different things, you should adjust measures to suit the current situation." "On Mencius · Teng Wengong" "If the husband moistens it, it will be for the king and his son." Zhu Xi of Song Dynasty notes: "moistening means adjusting measures to the current situation, making it suitable for human feelings and local customs." Volume XI of Shengwu Ji of Wei Yuan of the Qing Dynasty: "Adjusting measures to the current situation for political officials and dignitaries." ◎ Take measures according to time

A synonym for adapting to circumstances

  • sail with the wind jiàn fēng shǐ duò
    It is a metaphor for being indecisive, acting according to circumstances, and adapting to circumstances. Zhu Ziqing's "On Looking Ahead": "They are also driven by the wind, and everything gets mixed up." Chapter 10 of Volume II of Li Liuru's "Sixty Years of Changes": "I was a team officer in Jiujiang in the early years. Fortunately, I met the wind to steer, so in Xinhai, anyway, I can still stand." It is a metaphor for random response, acting according to the situation. For example, "He is witty by nature, and will never suffer if he acts according to the wind." It is also called "sailing according to the wind". Reference for the revised edition: It means to act according to circumstances. For example, he is witty by nature and will never suffer if he acts according to the wind. It is also a matter of setting sail according to the wind.
  • Be flexible as time and circumstances change. The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty · Biography of Guo Xiaoke: "Please reinforce the martial arts and garrison the army. It is easy to be wasteful to be resourceful." The second chapter of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "It is a clever way to cover up by listening to thunder, and it is as if God is willing to be resourceful." The seventh and ninth chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions: "Baochai has long observed her unfaithful heart, and every time she changes her mind, she secretly uses words to suppress her ambition." Lao She's Four Generations in One House " 37: "He doesn't know that he is the scum of the times, but he thinks that he is the most adaptable person to seize the opportunity." Temporary events can be flexibly handled as the situation changes. [Sentence] You must be adaptable to circumstances in order to be successful
  • Take measures according to time
  • Consider the situation and act accordingly. Wang Chong of the Han Dynasty wrote in "On Balance and Answering Synonyms": "Man's conduct is not constant. He who believes is deceiving, and he who is straight is tortuous. Contingency is set up, which means different things before and after; things should be done, which means different things around."
  • act when the time is opportune xiāng jī xíng shì
    Observe the opportunity and act flexibly. Volume 17 of "Two Moments of Amazing Clapping the Table": "The day before yesterday, when the two brothers Wei and Du were leaving, they also taught children to go to Beijing and act according to circumstances." The fifth chapter of the Travels of Lao Can: "There is a certain way, so we have to act according to circumstances and do what we say there." October In 1981, Issue 6: "If you agree, I will let my uncle recommend that we find out the situation in the name of joint research and act according to circumstances." ◎ Acting according to circumstances xi à ngj ī - x í ngsh ì [act the occasion demands
  • Make things happen
  • Appropriate measures shall be formulated according to the specific conditions of different regions. Zhao Ye of the Han Dynasty, "The Spring and Autumn Annals of Wu and Yue, the Inner Biography of Helu": "The husband builds a city and a warehouse, and adjusts measures to local conditions. How can there be so many weather threats from neighboring countries. ”◎ Take measures according to local conditions
  • act according to circumstances jiàn jī xíng shì
    It means to see clearly and deal with things flexibly when appropriate. The fifth and sixth chapters of the Complete Biography of Shuoyue: "The marshal ordered Cao Ning to leave the camp and said, 'You must act according to the circumstances, and persuade your father to return to the Song Dynasty early, so there will be a gracious seal.'" The second and third chapters of Ba Jin's "Family": "Come back to the point, and don't forget the old adage of 'being wise and protecting yourself'. It's better to act according to the circumstances." Yao Xueyin's "Li Zicheng" Chapter 15 of Volume II: "Although the basic purpose was decided by him, Zong Min acted on his own initiative and turned his dead purpose into a living one." When doing things, he used appropriate methods according to the changes in the situation. [Sentence] This task is very dangerous. You should act according to the circumstances and don't take risks. Depending on the situation
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