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As if to explain

As if; It seems that. The poem "The Dance Songs of Jin Bai?" by an unknown surname in the Jin Dynasty: "Light body slowly rises from He Yangyang, raises two white swans to fly. It is like a dragon turning low, and pauses to gaze at the beauty of the instrument." Liu Yiqing of the Southern Song Dynasty, "New Words of the World · Praise": "Five brothers are long and five children are young. Hu comes to cry, and looks good and sad, and behaves like an adult." Wang Renyu of the five dynasties, "The Legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao · Regeneration of Withered Pines" "When the Ming Emperor was disturbed by Lushan Mountain, Luanyu was lucky in the west. The withered pines were revived in the Forbidden City, and the branches and leaves were green, just like the new planters." Song Yan · Strange by Xu Shiluan in the Qing Dynasty: "The official order was to read the scriptures, and the reading was like a stream, just like learning." Tolph's Journey of Woodcutters III: "There was only a patch of green onion

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  • it seems that sì hū 
    Adverbs. As if; As if. Song Yang Wanli's "Ode to the Back Crab": "The shogunate has just opened, we can see handsome people and see a guest, and it seems that Peng Yue and Jie Yang have been together." Fang Xiaoru of the Ming Dynasty's "Miscellaneous Works · Cheng Hua": "When you are old, you will read the method, and in the spring and autumn, you will shoot, search, and hunt; when you are good, you will write, and when you are evil, you will correct... It seems too boring, but Zhou Zhu will take this as his governance." Qing Jiyun's "Notes on Reading the WeChat Thatched Cottage: How I Hear Three" "If you can remember the past life, it doesn't seem to be true." In Sparks I by Ye Junjian: "He seems to be fighting with the cold wind and the frozen challenge that comes with it." ◎ It seems that he is [asif; looklike] as if
  • like rú tóng 
    As if; be like. Tang Hanshan's Poem 237: "Although there is a spiritual platform, it is like a guest working as a man." "A Cautionary Quote: Meeting a Husband in the Fall of Spring in a Jade Morning": "It is like meeting an old friend in another country after a long drought." Bing Xin's "Zhuang Hong's Sisters": "I heard it, and felt a sudden pain, like going down to a dark hell." ◎ Like r ú t ó ng [like; As] Like, like treating me like a family member, like, like. [Sentence] Walking into a history museum is like walking into a time tunnel and being in the past. Like, like. "A warning to the world. Part II and IV: Jade's first spring is difficult to meet her husband"
  • just like wǎn rú 
    1. Appearing resigned and submissive. In Shuowen · Renbu, the word "secluded" is quoted from Shi: "Just like Zuo secluded." The current version of Shi · Wei Feng · Ge Zha is like "Ran", and secluded as "Bi". Mao Chuan: "Wan is a kind of beauty." Chen Huan wrote: "Wan is a kind of obedience, so the cloud is a kind of beauty; As if. Tang Yuanzhen's poem "Qingyun Posthouse": "When I reached Qingyun Posthouse, I suddenly met Peng Hao's wife; when I extended to open a piper house, I dug a sinus just like a laurel." Song Hemei's "Annals of Spring Zhu · Wafou Ice Flower": "It covers the fou water, but there is more water
  • like yóu rú 
    As. Guan Yinzi, Two Pillars: "The wind, rain, thunder and lightning are born out of gas, and the gas is born out of the heart. It's like thinking about a big fire inside and feeling hot for a long time." "Records of the Historian - Biographies of Funny": "It's like the palm of fortune to make a move." Song Huang Tingjian's poem "Listen to Chongde Jun's Drum Qin": "It's like a euepiphyllum flower, and it's time to come out of the world." "Two Moments to Beat the Table and Surprise." Volume 17: "The poet and the writer who got this note is like an arch wall." Chapter 8 of Ba Jin's "Destruction": "I was totally used to it after living there for two months, as if I were in my own home." ◎ It's like y ó ur ú [justas; like asif]
  • be like hǎo xiàng 
    It is also called "as if". Some like; As if. "Ming Chenghua Rap and Lyrics Series · Huaguansuo Xichuan Biography Continuation": "It's like closing the Great Sage when Erlang arrives." The fifth and second chapters of the Scholars: "It's not like kicking on meat, it's like kicking on a piece of pig iron, which almost breaks five toes." Liu Dabai's "Red New Year": "Dong! Dong!! Dong!!!!!! The drums are moving from afar! The first watch... the second watch... seemed to say: 'Gong! Nong! Labor! Labor!! '" ◎ It seems that h ǎ oxi à ng (1) [sem]: some; It seems that I know
  • As yǒu rú 
    1. As if. Poetry · Daya · Zhao Min: "In the past, when the king was appointed, he was just like Zhao Gong, opening up the country for hundreds of miles every day, and now he is also shrinking the country for hundreds of miles every day." Tang Hanyu's poem "Sending the Third Scholar": "Returning home without food is like catching a fish in the bait." Qing He Bange's "Follow the Night Tan · Cui Xiucai": "I heard that people's hearts are different, just like their faces." Cao Yu's "Peking Man" The first scene: "She comes from the field, straightforward, and treats the children of Zeng family like her own flesh and blood." 2. If, if. "Records of the Historian, Biographies of Shang Jun": "If the public uncle is ill, what will he do?" "Zizhi Tongjian, the second year of the reign of King Qi in the late Jin Dynasty": "Today there are not thousands of soldiers in the Tang Dynasty, generals
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