Synonyms of suppression
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Repressive interpretation

1. Still oppressing. "I know your son-in-law is a champion, and now he wants to suppress me." Li Dazhao's Preface to Huang Pang's Bleeding: "[Huang Ai, Pang Renquan] died to help his fellow workers in the working world escape from the oppression of the bourgeoisie." Ding Ling's Shanghai in the Spring of 1930 One: "She is sure that she will not betray him one day, but she seems to feel that he is suppressing her invisibly everywhere." 2. Try to restrain or stop. Chapter 8 of the first part of Yang Mo's Song of Youth: "Her lips tremble, and it can be seen that she is trying to suppress her anger." The first part of Zhou Libo's Storm

Suppressive synonym

  • oppression yā pò 
    1. Force others to obey with power or force. Ba Jin's Family 9: "At first, he felt very uneasy, as if the air in the room was oppressing him." Chapter 6 of the first part of Yang Mo's Song of Youth: "The family oppressed me, and I fled to the society; but the society, like the family, still smelled of decay and mildew everywhere." 2. Put pressure on a part of the organism. For example, the tumor compresses the nerve and causes pain. ◎ Compression y  p ò (1) [oppress; press]: forced; Use power to suppress; Make others obey the society without exploitation and oppression (2) [c
  • prohibit jīn zhǐ 
    1. Stop with prohibition; Stop in case of prohibition. Guanzi · Mingfa: "People who are masters of life and death are not allowed to do so. They are in a position of power. They exercise the power of order and prohibition to control their officials." Hanshu · Yang Yun Zhuan: "When Lang becomes an official, he must be self disciplined. Never stop at the end of the bribe. The order and prohibition are heard in the palace." Tang Hanyu's poem "Sending Lu Tong": "Bullying officials by marriage, not obeying orders can be prohibited." Guo Moruo's Hong Bo Qu Chapter IX III: "It is also prohibited for mass organizations to open training courses, workshops, and joint meetings between groups." 2. It means restricting the freedom of movement of impeached officials. The Book of the Han Dynasty: The Biography of Han Yanshou: "It is forbidden to look at the palace gate after the impeachment
  • Restraint kè zhì 
    inhibition. Mao Dun's "Tan" 2: "A strange sour taste has risen to the tip of her nose, but she can restrain herself." Chapter 7 of the sixth part of Wei Wei's "The East": "He immediately restrained his feelings and resolutely said: 'We can fight it!'" Restraint; inhibition. Wen Yiduo's Historical Rules of the May 4th Movement: "Although their desires are monopolistic and exclusive, they are willing to try their best to restrain them, tolerate, care for and compromise with each other, and settle in a state of near balance." Dialect. suppress; Strike. The second part of Kang Zhuo's Worker Zhang Feihu: "Look at his red face, no..."
  • check zhì zhǐ 
    Block. The Book of Figures · Material Theory by Wei and Liu Shao of the Three Kingdoms Period: "When ordinary people think something, they can't hear it, so they both think and talk and compete to stop it." The second volume of Tang Fanshu's "Yunxi Friends Discussion": "There was a Taoist in the Yamen who stepped on his staff and walked straight into the halberd gate. The disciples were honest and respected, and dared not stop it." Du Pengcheng's "Protecting Yan'an" Chapter 5: "No matter how the old man stops her, the old woman still sobs and tells Zhou Dayong about their misfortune and pain." ◎ Stop her [check; curb; prevent; stop] with strong force; Forced to stop When he tried to intercede, he was quickly stopped
  • Blackmail yāo xié 
    Take advantage of the weakness of the other party, rely on your own power, and coerce the other party to meet your own requirements. Jiang Yikui in the Ming Dynasty, "Chang'an Hakka, Female Direct": "The smell of smell is wild. You can either take advantage of the weakness and steal nothing, or correct people and jump off the beam, or hold words and threaten them." Lin Zexu in the Qing Dynasty, "The Moral Law of the Edict": "If you want to threaten and ask, can't our ministers and our ministries treat you leniently?" Zou Lu, "Sichuan Guangfu": "And loans to build roads, outsiders threaten thousands of people, and the national power will not be guaranteed." Ba Jin, "Destruction" Chapter 9: "However, Yuan Runshen loved her and was so anxious. Yuan Runshen threatened her with suicide words, so she could not be softened." ◎ Threatening y ā oxi&eac
  • Repression yā yì 
    1. Calm; Depressed. Li Shangyin of Tang Dynasty, in the preface to the Anthology of Yuan Jiewen, the Tang Rongzhou Economic and Strategic Envoy, said: "It is gentle and mellow, depressing and tending to Confucianism, such as buying a person with one country and smiling, such as changing a person for a lifetime." 2. Depress; inhibition. Song Mei Yaochen's poem "Hurt the Ji": "When the heart is alone, the head cannot be suppressed." Xu Chi's poem "Peony" 7: "The pain that has been suppressed in her heart for many years is awakened for the first time
  • coercion xié pò 
    Threat and coercion. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty - Biography of Shen Tupan: "Shuang (Xun Shuang) and others were coerced by Zhuo (Dong Zhuo), and the capital was disturbed." Guo Moruo's "Mandala": "His wife will be worried if she believes that she will be worried. I will take the letter to blame her, coerce her, and surely she can be sent to the door office to pick him up." Sha Ting's "Gold Rush" 3: "They are using the burden of life to coerce her again. [Sentence] Coercing others to do what they are unwilling to do will only
  • Derogatory biǎn yì 
    Press down and inhibit. Liu Yanyou: "In the Spring and Autumn Period, you are good at being famous, and you should belittle yourself a little, and do nothing alone." Hu Yinglin in the Ming Dynasty, "In the ancient style of poetry," Hu Yinglin said, "It seems impossible to belittle modern times." Xu Teli, "Education in the Five Years of Anti Japanese War": "At the same time, he opposes belittling himself and forgets the creativity of the revolution." ◎ belittling bi ǎ ny ì [belittle; Lower; underrate] Depress and suppress. I have no intention to use sensational derogatory words to describe the weakness of our laws, give a bad evaluation and snub them. [Make sentences
  • Overhead control yǎng zhì 
    The predicate is controlled from below to above. Song Fan Zhongyan's Letter to the Senior Minister Yan Shilang: "There must be strong uncles in future generations. Stealing this as a law, we should rely on others to control people." Song Su Shunqin's Letter to the Senior Minister: "In Yanze, the bureau is in one state, and in other counties, it is no longer acceptable. If other counties do not take over or can not rely on the central government, we should consider it."
  • Bullying qī yā 
    Bullying and oppression. On the volume of the Three Kingdoms Annals: "(Dong Zhuo) relies on his righteous son Lv Bu, Bai Pao Li Su, four bandits, and eight elite generals, and often bullies the world's princes." The fourth chapter of the Water Margin: "You are just harmful in the countryside, making friends with powerful people, infiltrating officials, and bullying good people." The third and eighth time: "If you hesitate, I will punish you for bullying the local fool." ◎ Bullying and oppressing people to oppress others with power. [Sentence] She could not stand her husband's long-term oppression, and finally ran away from home in anger. To intimidate or
  • Clamping qián zhì 
    Control; Constraints. Song Hongmai's Three Paintings of Rongzhai: A Destiny and a Fortune: "The Feng family's Zhuan country has achieved its ambition, and has been able to crack down on scholars and officials. One bad word and one article and word can be argued, which will lead to a great prison." "Ming History · Biography of Xie Yu": "Song pretends to be a floating word, bullies the king, and suppresses the speech officials." Pu Songling, Qing Dynasty, "Strange Tales of Liaozhai · Brutal Head" "He is becoming more and more diligent, powerful, fond of hunting, not engaged in production, and happy to kill; Wang can't restrain him." Chapter XI III of Zhu Guangqian's Psychology of Literature and Art: "The motivation of art must naturally start from the heart, but external forces can stimulate it, encourage it, or restrain it, or suppress it.". [Make sentences
  • inhibition yì zhì 
    1. Constraints; suppress. The Book of the Han Dynasty · The Biography of Huo Guang: "Huo Shitai is prosperous, and His Majesty loves him very much, so he should restrain him at the right time and never die." Song Yeshi's "Memorial to Chen Tongfu": "Qi is enough to cover things, and strength is enough to do the first thing; what can be restrained when heaven gives you something?" Ba Jin's "Family" 35: "When Jueming sees this situation, he cannot restrain the outburst of emotion, and he will throw himself at his grandfather." 2. Physiological terms. One of the two basic neural processes in the cerebral cortex. Activities that are produced under external or internal stimulation to prevent cortical excitation and organ function. Sleep is the phenomenon that the cerebral cortex is completely inhibited. ◎ Suppress
  • Repression è yì 
    Block suppression. Volume II of Liu Xianting's Guangyang Miscellaneous Notes in the Qing Dynasty: "The sage's teaching of the 'Six Classics' was originally human, but the later Confucianism could not be guided by its potential. It was forbidden by all means to restrain it, and the people of Maosai should be defeated by the dogs of the Zhou Dynasty. What's the difference between blocking the flow of Sichuan and making it fail? No wonder it broke and collapsed." Liang Qichao's Shuo Dong "Employing people without asking for merit is not good, but trying to curb the youth's enthusiasm in many ways, and the power is declining." Zou Taofen wrote a letter from the Popular Life Club to all the students in Peiping: "The anger hidden in the public blood stream can no longer be suppressed, and every burning heart is now bursting with anger to resist aggression and save the nation." ◎ Stop
  • force qiǎng pò 
    Also referred to as "coercion". Exert pressure to make obedience; Force. The Book of the Han Dynasty, Biography of Wang Mang: "First, Mang sent Koguryo soldiers to fight against Hu. If he did not want to do so, the county forced him to do so, and all of them died out of the fortress." The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Biography of Dongyi, Koguryo wrote "forcing". Li Yu of Qing Dynasty, in his book "Occasionally Sending Leisure · Planting · Vine", said: "The tree that suffers cannot be tall, so the flower (the red moon) is a 'thin guest'. However, it is forced by the people in the marketplace to use the short method." Ba Jin, "Autumn" 21: "He added," I don't do what the ancients forced me to do. "Cao Yu," Thunderstorm " Act I: "Dad, Mom don't want to, why do you force it like this?" ◎
  • press yā zhà 
    1. Press the juice from the object. If sugar is made from sugarcane, there are generally two steps: pressing and boiling. 2. It means exploitation or plunder. Lu Xun's "Collection of Collected Works", a translation of Gorky's "January 9", "How can Chinese workers and peasants talk about education when they are pressed to save their lives?" Chapter 12 of the second part of Yang Mo's "Song of Youth": "It seems that her eyes want to see through the dark curtain of the night, and always see the excited faces of those farmers who have been pressed to death." ◎ Squeeze y \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
  • force bī pò 
    1. Urge closely; Push with pressure. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Biography of Women, Chen Liudong Sacrificing His Wife: "Forcing people to move to the old country and supporting the Lord to strengthen themselves." Tang Lixian used "Sad Zai Xing": "It's not easy to force people to use spring breeze." Xu Zhimo's poem "I Have a Love": "Sometimes the autumn song of crickets is built up, causing my heart hurt and forcing me to cry." 2. Crowding and forcing each other. Fu Yi of Han Dynasty, in his Ode to Dance, said: "The chariots and horses go together, and they are forced." 3. They are still embarrassed. Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms Period wrote a letter to Xie Ceming, the Duke of Wei: "When you hear the news of your return, you will not be allowed to listen to it. The strict edict will be cut to the point, and you will make your officials admire and persecute you." The Book of Jin · Li Shizai: "Forcing a hasty man
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