A synonym for favoritism
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Interpretation of malpractice for personal gain

It is also called "practicing favoritism and cheating". Practicing fraud for personal love. The eighth and third chapters of Outlaws of the Marsh: "Who wants this group of officials to be greedy, to cheat for personal gain, and to cut down on alcohol and meat?" Yu Dafu's Runaway: "Practicing favouritism and committing fraud is not what our revolutionary people should do." It is illegal to cheat for personal gain. For example, "The viaduct collapsed less than half a year after it was put into use, exposing the serious cases of favoritism and malpractice of the departure package and the construction unit." It is also referred to as "favoritism and cheating". Revised Reference: Illegal counterfeiting for personal gain. For example, this viaduct has been used for less than half a year, but it has fallen down, exposing the strict practices of the departure package and the construction unit

Synonyms for favoritism

  • act in collusion with shàng xià qí shǒu
    According to "Zuo Zhuan, Twenty six Years of Xianggong", Chu attacked Zheng and captured Zheng's general Huang Jie by wearing the imperial edict of Xu. The young master surrounded him to compete with him for merit, and asked Bozhou to punish him. Bozhou Li said, "Please ask me to be a prisoner." The prisoner gave evidence that Bozhou Li intended to be partial to the prince's enclosure and deliberately attacked him. He said, "The master is surrounded by a prince, and I am a noble younger brother of the monarch." Under his hand, he said, "This son is wearing a seal, and the county outside the square city is also Yin. Who gets a son?" The prisoner said, "If you meet a prince, you will be weak." Later, because of playing tricks, it was called "up and down" to cheat together. The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty · Biography of Wei Zheng: "When Xi Zhou Li was up and down, the river of Chu State was poor." The History of Jin Dynasty · Criminal Records: "Right and wrong confuse the confusion, and don't know what to follow
  • Play tricks to do illegal things for personal gain. The History of the Qing Dynasty · The Biography of Prince Yonghuang of Anding: "The record of malpractice in Quan means that he exercises the right to advance and retreat." Qu Qiubai, "A Journey to Hungry Countryside", 15: "The material and living conditions of work are very difficult, and often forced to engage in malpractice." Ouyang Yuqian, "Loyal King Li Xiucheng," Act I, Scene II: "If there is malpractice, you should be responsible for withholding food and clothing." Also known as "malpractice" Tan Sitong in the Qing Dynasty wrote the Imperial Edict on Behalf of the Emperor: "The total period of the people's seclusion should be as high as possible, and the governor could not cheat for selfish ends." ◎ Cheating for selfish ends y í ngs ī - w ǔ b ì [p
  • Deceive the public and ignore the law. Deceive officials and defy the law. "The First Moment Amazes the Table. Volume 10": "The prefect was furious and said," This group of single slaves dare to deceive the public and ignore the law. "Reference of the revised version: Deceive the government and defy the law. At the first moment, I was surprised. Volume 10: The eunuch said angrily: This group of single slaves dare to bully the public and ignore the law.
  • egoistic zì sī zì lì 
    Only for personal purposes, regardless of the interests of the country and others. The fifth volume of Zhu Zi Yulei: "The Mo family saw that people in the world were selfish and could not reach others, so they wanted to love everyone in the world as well." Li Zhi of Ming Dynasty wrote in his Reply to the Book of Returning to the Capital: "So, with the selfishness and self-interest in mind, I have always been quick to take advantage of myself, regardless of others." Liu Qing's History of Entrepreneurship Chapter 7 of the first book: "He laughs at his stepfather's standard of conduct - selfishness is shrewd, fraud is capable, selflessness is stupid." He only seeks his own self-interest without considering everything. [Sentence] Selfish people can't make true friends. Only for their own personal interests
  • Pervert the law according to circumstances
  • Favouritism: bending; To distort. Distortion from personal feelings, distort and destroy the law, and arbitrarily judge cases. Be influenced by personal feelings to do illegal things. "A Dream of Red Mansions. The fourth time": "Yucun bent the law for favouritism and judged the case carelessly."
  • practise favouritism xùn sī zuò bì
    See "Fraudulent practices for personal gain". ◎ Cheating for personal gain x ù ns ī - zu ॶ b ì [practicefavoritism] cheat for personal gain and cheat together. Who wants this group of officials to be greedy and greedy? Cheating for personal gain can reduce alcohol and meat—— "Outlaws of the Marsh" is illegal and fake for personal gain. The Eighty third Chapter of the Outlaws of the Marsh: "Anyone who wants this group of officials will be greedy, cheat for personal gain, and cut down on alcohol and meat." It is also known as "favoritism and fraud". Revised Reference: Illegal counterfeiting for personal gain. The Eighth Legend of the Marsh
  • To seek private interests in the name or power of the public. "Zhu Zi Yu Lei" Volume 136: "Taizong (Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty) is more successful than Duke Zhou, who is in charge of Cai. He only needs to be public or private. Duke Zhou takes the whole Zhou family as his heart, and Taizong is false justice to help those who want to be selfish." The first part of Chen Zhou's Selling Rice by an anonymous surname in Yuan Dynasty: "He pretends to be public for his own benefit. How can I do anything with him?" Dong Chuance of the Ming Dynasty, "On Yan Song's Bullying the Sovereign and Mistaking the Country" "He is like the cost of building a fort and building a city. All Song people help themselves by pretending to be public, while those who flatter them are willing to invade." "The Fourth Military Record of the Qing Dynasty": "So it is the assistants who help themselves by pretending to be public." Mao Dun's "Shake" II: "Attack my Ni Fu
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