A synonym for diligence
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Diligent explanation

Make unremitting efforts. Xunzi · Fuguo: "If you don't do evil, you can't afford to be a thief, and those who do good are diligent." The History of the Qing Dynasty · Yunrenzhuan: "Your officials should be more diligent and try to keep the end." Wang Xiyan's World of People · The Second Neighbor: "It seems that she was diligent and punctual, and began to ask for leave frequently." ◎ Diligence q í nmi ǎǎǎǎ n [Diligence; assiduous] unremitting efforts; Diligence, unremitting, industrious, studious and hard working. [Sentence] He is down-to-earth and diligent, and has finally started a career. Diligence. For example: "He is down-to-earth, diligent and hard working, and has finally created something..."

Synonym for diligence

  • Exhort fèn miǎn 
    Work hard. Zheng Guanying's "The Promise of Prosperity · Tax Rules": "All Chinese know that we are diligent." Li Dazhao's "Lenin": "He joined the University of St. Petersburg with his sister Anna, and studied there very diligently." Guo Moruo's "Fallen Leaves · The Second Second Letter": "Brother, you will be busy gradually in the future, please do it diligently." Cheer up and be diligent. [Sentence] If you work hard, you will succeed. If you are lazy, you will fail. Cheer up your diligence. For example, "If you work hard, you will succeed. If you are lazy, you will fail."
  • strive nǔ lì 
    Effort; try the best. "The Book of Han Dynasty, Biography of Zhai Fangjin": "Cai Fuda marvels at his appearance, and predicates that: 'A small history has a marquis's bone, so we should make progress through classics and try our best to learn for all." "Ancient Yuefu's" Long Song Xing ":" If young people don't work hard, the eldest will be sad. "Volume Sanyi of" Tai Ping Guang Ji Guang Ji "quoted Tang Niusu's" Ji Wen Xue Zhi " : "I have arrived home first, and called for my wife to say goodbye... But I tried my best to get back on the horse and died." In the first scene of Cao Yu's Thunderstorm, "I thought these people worked for their own group of people, and we should sympathize with them." ◎ Try hard to make great efforts; tryha
  • industrious qín láo 
    1. Worry; toil. "Book · Golden Dance": "Once the Duke was industrious to the king's family, he only wanted to rush to others without knowing it." "Sui Shu · Biography of Honest Officials · Xin Gongyi": "This is a small matter, how can you bear to be industrious to help the king?" Sun Zhiwei of the Qing Dynasty wrote a poem "When the flood burst in the rain, Wang Youhua ran to the embankment": "The poor have been industrious since the past." 2. It is extended to hard work, not afraid of hard work. For example, the industrious and brave Chinese people; He has a pair of hardworking hands. 3. Still tired. "Wu Zi · Anticipating the Enemy": "The enemy comes from afar and arrives again, but the ranks are still uncertain; the enemy can be attacked if he eats but has no equipment; the enemy can be attacked if he runs; and the enemy can be attacked if he is industrious." 4. It refers to merit. Book of the Han Dynasty: Biography of Wei Qing: "Your Majesty is lucky to have benefited
  • Diligent qín kěn 
    1. Sincerity. Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty, Liu Changshi Xingxing: "The purpose of the poem is straight, and the spirit is diligent." The ninth volume of the Supplement to Suiyuan Poetry Quotes the poem of Yao Hua's master, "Fu De Han Mei Zhao Hua Lai Hua": "With your diligence, news comforts the solitary pheasant." 2. Still diligent. Work faithfully and unremittingly. Song Chen Shidao's "After Calling Old Ci": "Du Shizi alone is diligent, and his poetry is full of suitcases. His family has plenty of livestock and paper and ink, and when he has time, he will learn to read." Lao She's "Teahouse · Character Table": "Li San -- male. He is in his thirties. Yu Tai is a waiter. He is diligent and has a good heart." He is loyal and sincere. Liu Zongyuan, Tang Dynasty
  • hard kè kǔ 
    1. (Study) Diligence. The epitaph of Liu Zihou written by Han Yu of Tang Dynasty: "Living in leisure is beneficial to one's own hard work, and one must keep an eye on it." Liu Xun of Yuan Dynasty wrote "Living in seclusion, general discussion, three parallel men": "Studying in Magu Mountain, one must study hard." Chapter 5 of Kang Zhuo's "Water Drips through Stone": "This comrade joined the Party for 38 years, lived and died in a guerrilla group, and learned culture hard." 2. (Life) Difficult. The History of the New Five Dynasties · Miscellaneous Biography · Feng Dao: "The Tao is a man who can work hard to be frugal." Song Zenggong's Tomb Tablet of Doctor Wu Jun: "(Wu Xiang) not only studies hard to fill his career, but also leads his younger brother to work hard to support his relatives." The second act of Hong Shen's "Fragrant Rice": "In order to save time
  • diligent yòng gōng 
    1. Let's work hard. The Book of the Sui Dynasty, the Biography of Confucianism, Liu Xuan: "The Rites of the Zhou Dynasty, the Book of Rites... The Analects of Confucius, Zheng, Wang, He, Fu, Du and other notes, all 13 schools have refined and rough meanings, and can teach them. The Book of Changes, the Rites of Etiquette, and Guliang are poorly studied." Tang Hanyu's Reply to the Book of Liu Zhengfu "No one in the Han Dynasty could not be a scholar, but Sima Xiangru, Tai Shigong, Liu Xiang and Yang Xiong were the most famous. However, those who worked hard had a long reputation." Volume II of Chen Hu's "Old Man's Continuation" of Song Dynasty: "The ancients were old and many scholars, but their hard work was more than their ears." Wang Tingxiang's "Picking up with Xue Jun." of Ming Dynasty: "There are two disadvantages of modern scholars: one is just doing
  • Hard work xīn qín 
    1. Hard work. Jin Gehong's "Embrace Puzi: The Way of the Lord": "The hard work of serving the prison gate will cost you your life, and then you can benefit the people and talk with them overseas." Tang Liu Changqing's poem "The guest house is glad to see Zheng San." The poem "Ten years without a smooth business, it's better to study hard." Song Mei Yaochen's poem "Send Hou Xiaojie's palace to judge Luzhou": "Go to the Taihang in June, hard work is not a bad trick." Zhou Erfu, "Dr. Bethune" III: "He never went to school in his life. His medical knowledge and surgical skills are derived from hard work and clinical practice." 2. Difficulty. Song Zhao and Shi's "Bin Tui Lu" (Volume II): "Wang Seng Qian's book is like the children of Wang Xie's family in Yangzhou, who are indulging in misconduct
  • assiduous qín kǔ 
    Hard work. Mozi, Part II of Universal Love: "There is a plague this year, and many people are hard working, cold hearted, and dying in the ravine : "He is also very diligent in the factory, because otherwise he will be in danger of losing his job." ◎ Diligence q í nk ǔ [hardworking]—— Qing Dynasty · Zhou Rong's "Remaining Book of Spring Wine Hall&..."
  • Be indignant fā fèn 
    1. Diligence; Be determined to work hard. Records of the Historian · Confucius Family: "He is a man who is tireless in learning Taoism, never tired of teaching others, and forgets to eat with anger, and never worries with joy." Jin Gehong's "Embracing Puzi · Communication": "It is because he is angry to write the theory, Du Men has broken off friendship, and Si Cheng is grateful for his achievements." Song History · Wenyuan Biography 5 · Su Xun ":" He started to learn with anger in the 27th year. "Yan Youxi of the Qing Dynasty's" Shuhua Essays · Xu Weng " : "The brothers of the governor became angry and became the first scholars one after another." Ding Ling's "Spring Festival": "Xiao Han wants to study with anger and strive for success." See "Forgetting to eat with anger". 2. Cheer up. The Ode to the East Capital by Ban Gu of Han Dynasty: "As the Holy Emperor, he holds the Qian Fu, explains the Kun Zhen, and puts on the emperor's picture..."
  • diligence qín fèn 
    diligent. Qingping Buqing's "Xia Wai Yu Sha · Stories · Lin Xiya Fang Bo": "As a hardworking worker, his family background should not be restricted and no reward should be given." Ba Jin's "Exploration Collection · Exploration IV": "I still want to write, and I should write more diligently." ◎ Diligence q í nf è n [Diligence; industrious] hard work hard without slacking off. [Sentence] He works hard and is moving towards his ideal step by step. Work hard without slacking off. For example, "hard work".
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