A synonym for modesty
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Modest explanation

Be humble and respectful. The History of the Later Han Dynasty · Biography of Fu Zhan: "In the morning, we are modest, respectful, and loving, and we are eager to learn from you." The Southern History · Biography of Hong: "Hong is modest and respectful, and his mouth does not matter how short he is." Xu Qiuying's "Three Commandments on Official Document Language": "The language used for units at the same level should be modest, respectful, and gentle."

Modest synonyms

  • modest qiān xū 
    1. Be modest and not complacent. "Poetry, Elegance and Horn Bow": "Don't leave it behind" Zheng Xuanjian of Han Dynasty: "If today's king is not willing to inspire the hearts of villains with good governance, then he is not willing to humble himself with courtesy. He will use this place to hide his arrogance and arrogance." On the volume of Song Suzhe's "Longchuan Farewell Annals", "modesty is the top priority, and arrogance is the bottom priority." Mao Zedong's Report on the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China:. Chen Xuezhao's "Working is Beautiful", Volume I, 32: "She was invited to speak a few words, nothing more than
  • Humility qiān gōng 
    Be modest and respectful. Book of the Han Dynasty · Biography of Yu Ding: "He is modest." The third poem of Tang Bai Juyi's "Fang Yan": "After Duke Zhou feared rumors, Wang Mang was modest and never usurped his time." The third chapter of Dream of Red Mansions: "He is modest and generous, and has great grandfather's legacy." Wu Zuxiang's "Mountain Torrent" 28: "Mr. Qi speaks in a gentle and modest tone." ◎ Courtesy qi'a ng ng ng ng [modestandcourteous] Be modest and courteous. [Sentence] He is courteous and courteous, without the airs of high officials. Be modest and polite. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Volume 14, Biography of Four Kings and Three Marquises of the Imperial Clan, and Biography of King Wu of Qi:
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