A synonym for violence
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Violent explanation

1. Strong; severe. The Book of Shun: "The fierce wind, thunder and rain can not confuse people", Tang Kong Yingda said: "When Shun lived in the great record, the yin and yang were harmonious, and the wind and rain were not so fierce." Song Shen wrote Zhe's "Yu Jian", Volume 10: "The sun was fierce when it was sunny." Volume II of Liu Xianting's "Miscellaneous Records of Guangyang" in the Qing Dynasty: "There were huge guns at all four gates of the city, which could not be fierce." Junqing's "Riverside at Dawn" 5: "We all drank a little, which is a very fierce white work." 2. Tough; Stiffness. Tang Lvyan wrote a poem titled "On the Gate of Mr. Huang's Nunnery in Tongbai Mountain": "I urge my son to be sorrowful today, and you should think hard about yourself. When you come to the limit of not teaching, you will be born and die with the flow." Li Zhi of the Ming Dynasty wrote a letter with Mei Changgong

Violent synonym

  • Interests lì hài 
    1. Interests and damages. The Second Part of the Book of Changes: "Feeling falsely and feeling each other is beneficial to life." Han Kangbo notes: "Feeling to feel things is beneficial, and pretending to feel things is harmful." "Records of the Historian · Biographies of Guice": "Prophets are beneficial, and we can observe the misfortunes and blessings." Song Wuzeng's "Can Change Zhai Man Lu · Facts": "Let him see the benefits and disasters personally, and then dare to play Chen." Kang Zhuo's "Dongfanghong" Chapter 12 3: "Due to the large size of the project and the limited manpower, several villages near Hanlongtai that have an interest in the dike have another batch of strong labor." 2. It refers to the convenience and danger of the situation. Han Feizi: First Meeting of the Qin Dynasty: "The Qin Dynasty commands rewards and punishments. The terrain is so advantageous that there is no one like him in the world." 3
  • Pernicious
  • fierce lì hài 
    1. Fierce; Difficult to deal with or endure. Mao Dun's "Little Witch" 3: "The sun is rising high, and people in the town say that bandits are powerful." Cao Yu's first scene of "Thunderstorm": "I know she is a powerful person, but whoever bullies my daughter, I will fight with him!" Lao She's "Camel Xiangzi" 20: "Tigress is powerful, but how can she become a family without her?" 2. Violent means. Lao She's Four Generations in the Same Hall 20: "There is another deputy chief of the Secret Service who just knocked her money, and she decided to show some ferocity
  • severe jù liè 
    Intense. Mao Dun's Episode 5: "The oppression of her father was as early as she expected, so the sorrow from this aspect is not very intense." Ke Ling's Fragrant Snow Sea · Gratitude and Wishes: "1946-1947, the war of liberation was just fierce." ◎ Fierce j ù li è [violet; acute] Fierce; Violence; The pain is intense and intense. [Sentence] Take a rest after dinner and avoid strenuous exercise. Fierce. For example, "After a fierce dispute, they finally reached a consensus."
  • fierce jī liè 
    1. Get more excited. Selected Works · Su Wu's Poems (II): "The long song is fierce, and my heart is full of sorrow." Lv Yanji notes: "It is intense, and the voice is high." Tang Libai's poem "Imitation of the Ancient Times" (II): "How fierce the string sound is, and the wind winds around the flying beam." Ming Liu Ji's poem "For Zhan Tongwen's poem" See the Tide Map ":" The song of the monarch has not ended, and my song is fierce to stay and fight against the Hongs. "2. Excited and generous. Song Su Shunqin's poem "On behalf of the people to celebrate the birthday of Lord Shen": "Prince Pei's speech is fierce, and Yuan Xiang's tears are drifting away." Ming Hu Yinglin's poem "Shishou · Ancient Style": "The Song of Change in Water" is only a few dozen words, but it is sad, intense, and has all kinds of characteristics. "The poem" Temple of Prime Minister Wen "by Zhu Guohan in the Qing Dynasty:" Mount Ya
  • strong qiáng liè 
    Powerful; powerful; High degree; Distinctive. Ba Jin's "The Dead Sun" 18: "His eyes shone with strong hatred." Li Zhun's "Two Generations": "Those words were reasonable and reasonable, and she suddenly felt a strong feeling of envy." Act III of Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm": "There are two doors in this room, and a colorful flower curtain hung on the small door on the left." ◎ Strong qi á ngli è [strong; sense; violet]; High strength; Explicit of a strong desire. [Create...]
  • warm rè liè 
    1. Strong heat. Wang Chong of the Han Dynasty, in The Debate on Balance, Four Taboos: "Since the first month of his life, his son has been born in May. He is passionate and refined. He hates his parents, and they will suffer." 2. He is still famous. Jin Gehong's "Embrace Puzi and Stab Pride": "I was born in the door of the world, and I lived in a warm situation. I was arrogant because I didn't want to be arrogant." 3. It describes high mood and excitement. Lu Xun's "Erxinji: The Status Quo of Literary and Art Circles in Dark China": "However, a large number of revolutionary youth are still very enthusiastic in demanding, supporting and developing left-wing literature and art in any case." Mao Dun's "Spring": "The fame of labor heroes has been put forward, and every name has received
  • Virile gāng liè 
    Be resolute and brave. On the Biography of Wu You and Shi Bi in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty: "A man who is rigid and strong shows his nature, and rarely shows his leniency; a man who is benevolent and soft uses his feelings, and often lacks his chastity and straightness Chapter IV: "[Chen Yunxing] must be a righteous, brave, happy and vigorous person. [Make sentences
  • Ferocious hěn è 
    It is still ferocious. The second episode of Zhang Sheng Boiling the Sea by Li Haogu of Yuan Dynasty: "He is the daughter of the Dragon Palace, and his father is very vicious. How can he marry me?" The fourth act of Cao Yu's Thunderstorm: "Zhou Ping: (maliciously) I want you to die!" It is cruel and brutal. For example, "He is a vicious man. Don't provoke him."
  • ferocious xiōng měng 
    1. Evil is powerful. More about momentum and strength. Beijing based Popular Novel - Chopping Cui Ning by mistake: "When Lady Liu saw that he was ferocious, she could not get away from him." In the first 105 chapters of Water Margin, "when we heard of the thieves and policemen, they first made a very fierce statement, which made the soldiers cold hearted and the people frightened." In the second act of Hong Shen's Green Dragon Pond, "it was also because we were fast and our hands and feet were strong; The sun shines fast, the sun dries fast, and the power of the sun is fierce! " 2. Brave and tough. Lu Xun's "Grave · On Open Eyes": "There should have been a new literary field long ago, and there should have been several fierce adventurers long ago!" Qin Mu's "Flower City · On Cattle": "Although domestic cattle are tame
  • Outrageous violence héng bào 
    It is tyrannical and ferocious. "Records of the Historian, A Funny Biography of Chu Shaosun": "The servants of the nursing mother's family who followed them brutally in Chang'an stopped people's chariots and horses and stole people's clothes." "The New Five Dynasties History, Biography of Li Kegong": "Ke Gong is violent and lawless, and does not learn military skills, so all Lu people complain." Pu Songling of the Qing Dynasty, "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi Liu Surname": "Sins run deep, and do not repent; and take other people's things as their own. Such violence, let's put together a tripod! " Chapter 5 and 3 of Guo Moruo's "Hong Bo Qu": "Although our enemy is violent at present and there are many artillery planes, we should be prepared to destroy it with the power of singing." ◎ Violence h è
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