A synonym for constancy
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1. It means firm and unchanging integrity. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: The Biography of Wang Gong: "Wang Gong, who was in charge of the Li Festival, was happy to write, and did not want to get anything wrong or behave badly, but with his integrity, violated the customs and lost the public, which was constructed by slanders and sycophants." Tang Wei Yingwu's poem Suiyang Sentiment: "If you are willing to die from the edge, you will not be faithful." Zou Taofen's "Mourning for Zi Gui's Colleagues" "Work hard for the country and the nation, so that the spirit of our loyal and great partner will never die." 2. It means hard and pure, lasting. "The Book of Jin · Biography of Wang Xiang": "Ximang should be firm on the earth, do not use the stones of the first year, and do not raise graves." Tang Nie Yizhong's "Poems to encourage guests who have come to admire the past": "Jingshan produces beautiful jade, stone

Near synonyms of constancy

  • firm jiān qiáng 
    1. Also called "strong". Strong, unshakable, or destructive. Zuo Zhuan · The Ninth Year of Chenggong: "Diligent to comfort, lenient to treat, strong to resist." Jin Gehong's The Legend of Immortals · Peng Zu: "The bones are strong, the color is bright, and old and never fade." Song Wang Anshi's Shangtian Zhengyan Book: "Although the argument is strong, it cannot be interpreted for the deacon." Chapter 2 of Part 5 of Wei Wei's Orient: "Guo Xiang is an extremely tall and strong hero." 2. Make strong. The Hundred Metaphors Sutra: Five Hundred Joy Pills: "At that time, people from far away had already been condemned, and they strengthened their will to learn from their teachers." ◎ Tough ji  nqi á ng (1) [strong
  • Fortitude gāng yì 
    Strong and decisive. The Book of Rites - The Doctrine of the Mean: "It is enough to be strong and resolute." The Book of History - Biography of Lislie: "The eldest son is resolute and brave, and believes in others and strives hard. Meng Tian must be the prime minister when he ascends the throne." The New Book of the Tang Dynasty - The Legend of Loyalty and Righteousness - Lu Yi: "(Chess) and his brother Huan are equal in name, but they are resolute." Mao Dun, "Midnight" II: "I only know that there is a country. The rudder of the country should be put in the iron palm of determination. " ◎ Tough and resolute [beresolute and steadfast]
  • tenacity jiān rèn 
    It is also called "hard toughness". Firm and resilient. Volume V of Song Zhu Bian's "Qu Wei's Old News": "Its timber is of the highest quality in the northwest. It is called Huangsong, and its tenacity is the highest among all trees."; Betoughhandensile; befirmandtenacious] Firm and flexible, not easy to break Tough objects are tough and not easy to damage. [Sentence] This rope is firm
  • Fortitude jiān yì 
    Firm and persistent. Song Yeshi's Epitaph of Xu Decao: "If you are persistent, you should be persistent, and you can't take it later." Qing Yunjing's Letter to the Lord Chen Lifan: "If you are persistent, you will be able to break it, and if you are eloquent, you will be able to figure it out." Ru Zhijuan's Lily : "(Guan Dama) The whole person has changed. Only in those dim eyes, there is still the silent and resolute look of the past." ◎ Resolute Ji ny ì [finality; befirmandpersistent;withunswervingdetermination]...
  • firm jiān dìng 
    1. Stable and strong (position, proposition, will, etc.); Unswerving. The Book by Liu Kun of the Jin Dynasty: "The courage and insight are firm, and the intention of avoiding difficulties is unwavering." In the Biography of Wang Shouren of the Ming Dynasty: "The discipline of being cautious without losing the discipline, the physical appearance becomes familiar and the virtue is firm after a long time." Mao Zedong's "Being opposed by the enemy is a good thing, not a bad thing": "The educational policy of the Anti Japanese War is to firm the correct political direction, hard work style, and flexible strategies and tactics. ”2. Make firm. Lao She's Black and White Li: "Go to the chapel to pray, so as to strengthen your conscience." ◎ Firm ji nd ì ng (1) [firm; fi
  • Will be strong
  • Perseverance jiān rěn 
    1. Still firm. Guoyu · Jinyu 1: "If you want to send him to the war, you should observe him first, so you can tell him to be eccentric, and show him the right to be patient, then you will hate his heart and hurt his body." 2. Be firm and resilient. "Records of the Historian, Biographies of Prime Minister Zhang": "Zhou Chang, the imperial official, was patient and straightforward. Guo Moruo's "Phantom of Blood": "I really admire the perseverance of our compatriots because I can live a life as calm as a pig or a dog like this." I am strong willed and resilient. [Sentences] Those who achieve great things
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