Many a little makes a mickle
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Every little makes a mickle

It means that as long as we keep accumulating, we will change from less to more. The words come from the "Han Book · Biography of Dong Zhongshu": "A small number makes a large number." Li Shangyin, Tang Dynasty, "Miscellaneous Compilation": "A small number makes a large number." Song Sushi, "The outline of the outline of the outline is not broken down." Since the outline of the outline is attached to the tourists, the official does not check the goods, and the column cannot beg for it; however, the workers have to pay taxes on their own to prevent criticism, and the gains may not be less than today. " Xue Fucheng in the Qing Dynasty, "Chen sent a troop ship to protect the Chinese people": "Only the number of naval ships is not large, the funds are not sufficient, and the potential is hard to divide. The troop ships have been stationed overseas for a long time, and the Chinese people have collected their wealth and accumulated a lot, so they are not unwilling to provide the ship fare." Bao Tianxiao, "The memory of Kushirou

Many a little makes a mickle synonym

  • many drops of make an ocean dī shuǐ chéng hé
    A little makes a mickle. First part of Zhou Libo's "Great Changes in Mountain Villages": "Over the years, a little makes a mickle
  • days and months multiplying rì jī yuè lěi 
    Accumulate for a long time. The second part of Zhu Xi's Answers to Zhou Nanzhong's Book: "Learn at any time and discuss things as they happen, but if you can make rectification three or five times a day, and understand three or five things, you will accumulate over time, become naturally proficient and naturally bright.". Over the years, the momentum will grow stronger and stronger. The authority of the owner will be stolen without knowing it. " Lu Yitian of Qing Dynasty, "Cold House Miscellaneous Knowledge · The Way to Learn": "Once you start writing and once you roll out, you will be familiar with allusions, never forget them all your life, accumulate over time, and naturally be rich and harmonious." Ba Jin, "The Role of Literature": "Only by accumulating over time and continuous contact can
  • It's like accumulating bit by bit. It is often said that things are not easy to accomplish. Song Sushi's Skirt and Boots Inscription: "The silk of a cold woman accumulates an inch of baht." Xue Fucheng's Commentary on the Facts of Imitating Chen Duchen's Loyalty on behalf of Li Boxiang in the Qing Dynasty: "The way of self-improvement is based on the accumulation of an inch of baht. One step should not be empty and one word should not be reserved." Hu Shi's On Mr. Liang Shuming's East West Culture and Philosophy "From ancient times to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the accumulation of baht resulted in a brilliant period of philosophy and science in the Warring States Period." Also known as "accumulation of baht" and "accumulation of baht". Zhu Yizun of the Qing Dynasty, "Preface to the Gathering of Elegant Collections": "Gu Shizhi's genealogies are similar to those in" Guizi Ballad ", with the accumulation of baht, and
  • Trickle into a river juān dī chéng hé
    Trickle: small drops of water. Little drops of water can be collected to become a river. A little makes a mickle.
  • our wills unite like a fortress zhòng zhì chéng chéng
    ◎ A city of unity is like a strong city walls. It is used to describe that if everyone is united, their strength will be incomparably strong. 2. All people are united, and the strength is as strong as a city
  • A little makes a mickle. The armpit refers to the fur under the fox's armpit. The language book Shenzi Zhizhong: "So the material of the Langmiao is not a branch of a tree; the pure white fur is not the skin of a fox." Qian Xizuo proofread and noted: "The pure is the original fox; this cultural reform is quoted according to Yilin. The leather of Yilin is used as an armpit." The third chapter of Biography of Heroes of Children: "How much you get now, you have to gather your arms to make fur." The eleventh time: "He went to discuss with his family and wanted to take this opportunity to donate to the Zhixian class. Sure enough, they all agreed. There were also 200, 100, and 50. They gathered together and immediately filled in the department photo in the donation office
  • many littles make a mickle jù shā chéng tǎ
    Make a pagoda of fine sand. A little metaphor makes a lot. Jin Dai Kui's "Zen Master's Book of Wisdom in Yixian City": "Not far from Xiaoxiang, I came to Mianlu to plant a cane dragon spring, which is still a fine house. I returned to Magu to create Jialan, chisel a ridge and install a niche, and gather sand to form a pagoda. Because of the mountains and gardens, there is no money to buy land." Bing Xin's "Send to Little Readers Again" 13: "'Small' is seen from the perspective of individuals. 'Every little helps a mickle.' The Party always attaches importance to the power of the masses." See "Gathering Sands". This refers to the game of children piling up mud and sand to become pagodas. Although it is a game, it can also achieve merit and virtue. [Sentences] As long as you work hard, you will be able to build a tower of achievements. This refers to children's pile
  • Accumulate every inch cùn jī zhū lěi
    Little by little. Song Li Gang's "Notes on Matters with the Right Prime Minister": "It's a pity to be in Zhongmi. When I arrived at the beginning of last year, I was promoted to one hundred and thirty; when I got a chance in autumn, I was promoted to ten or more articles. If I don't scatter the accumulation of thousands of baht and this number, Chen Yixin can always be the root of Hongzhou, not a trivial matter.". Ming Dynasty. Zhu Guozhen's "Yongchuang Pieces. Longqiu": "Since it is expensive, it has been more than 40 years since Renyin to Jimao. Every inch of it has accumulated a lot of money, and the relics of Chongsheng and the altar in the county have taken on a new look."
  • Abyss: deep pools of water. Little by little, water will accumulate to form a deep pool. It's a metaphor. Accumulate small water to form an abyss. It means that success is accumulated gradually. Xunzi, Persuading Learning: "The accumulation of earth makes a mountain, and the wind and rain make it flourish; the accumulation of water makes an abyss, and the dragon makes it flourish."
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