A synonym for all day and all night
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Explain day and night

All day and night, day and night. The first chapter of Du Pengcheng's "In a Day of Peace": "The sound of explosion is constant all day and night, as if there is a war that will determine the fate of mankind."

All day long synonyms

  • All day and all night
  • day and night rì rì yè yè 
    Every day and every night. It describes a long duration. The second scene of Hong Shen's Green Dragon Pond: "Here, Liu Xiusan has to faint on the water cart day and night." Guo Xiaochuan's poem "Mourning for the beloved Premier Zhou" reads: "Day and night in Hongyan, Chongqing, you fight bravely and are unafraid of danger." Qin Mu's "Flower City, where cactus are clustered": "The soldiers are monitoring the sea day and night." ◎ Day and night. Describe the long duration
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