Synonyms of Deep Trench Barrier
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Interpretation of Deep Barrier

Still deep trench high base. The Book of the Han Dynasty, Biography of Tsing Bu: "The king of the Han Dynasty took over the vassals, but also defended Chenggao and Xingyang. He went down to Shuhan's millet, deep trench barrier, and divided the soldiers to guard the frontier and take the fortress." See "deep trench high base".

Synonyms of deep trench barrier

  • deep trenches and high ramparts shēn gōu gù lěi 
    Still deep trench high base. The fourth and second chapters of Flower and Moon Traces: "The officials and soldiers in the south and north of the Yangtze River have been able to stay in a deep trench for a winter." See "Deep trench and high base".
  • deep trenches and high ramparts shēn gōu gāo lěi 
    Deep trench excavation and high wall construction. It means to build solid fortifications. Han Feizi: Under the Forest: "If a general is angry, he will be deep and high; if a general is not angry, he will slack off." Records of the Historian: Biographies of Hou Lie in Huaiyin: "If you step deep and high, you should not fight." On the volume of Song Zhouwei's "Qingbo Biezhi", "I want to show my prestige by using the old general to defend my old territory, deep and high." ◎ Deep trenches and high barriers. It means to build solidly
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