Antonym of return
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Return explanation

1. Send back. The Laws of the Yuan Dynasty, the Second Military Envoy of the Ministry of Official Affairs: "The descendants of officials who have inherited influence must have a try and a history. Those who can understand justice will be exempted from being ambassadors, and those who can't understand justice will be sent back to study." Volume 20 of the "Making a Table at the Beginning": "Such a woman, if she keeps him, is really a pile of right and wrong, so today she will send him back to her mother and let him not marry." 2. Send the things she has received and confiscated back to her home. Qing Ping Bu Qing's "Fragments of the Clouds, Stories, Hong Gengsheng": "He handed Zhu Wenzheng and Liu Wenke two books, and they were sent back by the imperial edict." ◎ Send back f ā hu á n [sendback; return; giveback] Take it back

Return antonym

  • release shì fàng 
    1. Restore the personal freedom of the arrested and detained. "Records of the Three Kingdoms, Wu Zhi, Biography of Lv Meng": "The most villains will be killed, and the rest will be released, and they will be civilians again." Song Sushi's "Four Facts on Responding to the Imperial edict": "Even those who are owed by the central executive, and who are themselves poor, should be released." "Awakening Episodes, Old Man in Guanyuan Meeting Fairy at Night": "(Dayin) That is to hang out Qiu Gong in prison and release him immediately." 2. Remove; Untie; relieve. The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms · Wu Zhi · Biography of Xue Ying: "Release the towel brown, and take the job to carve a symbol." The first part of Shang Zhongxian's Qi Ying Bu of Yuan Dynasty: "The law, the later ones should be cut off, and then the ghost will be released and even killed."
  • confiscate mò shōu 
    1. Compulsory return of the property of the offender or the violator of the ban to the public. Shen Congwen's autobiography, where I grew up: "Each family has military service, and can go to the camp every month to receive a little silver, a share of rice grain, and can receive from the official family the cultivated seeds of the public fields confiscated by the government 200 years ago Zhang Laixing by Zhao Shuli: "This hostel was rebuilt by confiscating the 'He Garden' of the traitor He Boss." 2. It refers to seizing or stealing other people's property by power or other despicable means. Letters by Lu Xun
  • Seizure kòu yā 
    Detention; Detention. Act 3 of Cao Yu's Wang Zhaojun: "I really regret that when he was in Chang'an, I didn't detain him." Zhang Shushen's "Song of Integrity": "This letter was written on the evening of January 9, 1969, but it didn't come out and was illegally detained." ◎ Detainment; Hold incustody]: detain or detain a person detained by the police (2) [with hold]: detain or hold down [letters, materials, etc.] and do not issue withheld manuscripts (3) [detain; impound]: confiscate or seize according to law
  • Levy
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