The opposite of an enemy
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Enemy explanation

personal enemy. The eighth and fourth chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions: "True enemies of the whole life! Why do you bother to be so narrow-minded? Once your mother wanted to harm me, but now she wants to harm Niuer, and I have been your enemy for many generations!" Guan Hua's "Women of the Wei Family": "This old lady insists that she is the enemy of wood, gold flower is the enemy of gold, and gold is the enemy of wood."

Opposition of enemy

  • Deep relatives and best friends. The closest and best relatives and friends. "The Lamp at the Wrong Road. The Third and Seventh Turn": "I didn't know this silly young man's temperament. He was moody. I got up at the moment, and even the extremely rare person took the seat as close as milk. When I got tired of it, even my close relatives and friends would not meet." Revised reference: the most intimate and close relatives and friends. The 37th time: I didn't know this silly young man's temperament. He was moody. At the moment, he became very enthusiastic, and even the extremely rare people took the seat as close as milk; If you get bored for a while, even close friends and relatives will not meet.
  • become sworn brothers yì jié jīn lán
    Make good friends. Gold is a metaphor for tenacity. Orchid is a metaphor for fragrance. The golden orchid means that friendship is solid and compatible. The language version is The Book of Changes. Gold is a metaphor for tenacity. Orchid is a metaphor for fragrance. Jinlan describes deep friendship and mutual affinity. The language version of The Book of Changes, Part One of the Thesis: "When two people are united, their sharpness breaks gold, and when they are united, their words stink like orchids." The golden orchid means that friendship is solid and compatible.
  • close and intimate friendship jīn lán zhī jiāo
    A friendship as solid as gold and stone. Jin Lan's friendship is an old Chinese custom of making friends. Friendship is a kind of interpersonal relationship, which is also called the covenant, the recognition of relatives, the formation of relatives, and the worship of relatives. "Friendship" refers to friendship, and "contract" refers to a contract, which is the relationship between two or more people who have no blood relationship to form a pseudo kinship. It is called the friendship relationship, also known as the covenant relationship, the cadre relationship, commonly known as the Ganzi generation. They maintain each other with kinship, which can be the elders and children, or peers. Usually, friends add relatives, and friends are also relatives. The relationship is closer than that of ordinary distant relatives and ordinary friends. Fellowship among peers is also called friendship, friendship and post exchange. It was first published in the Book of Changes: "Two people are united,..."
  • close and intimate friendship jīn shí zhī jiāo 
    1. It is a metaphor for unswerving friendship. In Yanqing's Jinli Jijiu Biography of Song Dynasty, "Today, we are dedicated to the Qing Dynasty, ready to reach our hearts, re discussing the friendship between Jinshi and Xunchi." It is also called "friendship between Jinshi and Xunchi" and "friendship between Jinshi and Xunchi". "Choices of Group Sounds": "Siluo is not a strong match with the original, so I forget the friendship between gold and stone once." "Later Nanke · Zhao Fu" in Qing Honglian Garden: "The humble people are close friends with their brothers in gold and stone, and now they are good friends with their wives. I think it is the fate of the separation.". "Hanshu · Biography of Han Xin": "Although you think that you have made a good deal with the King of Han, you will eventually be a bird of the King of Han."
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