The opposite of bragging
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Blow up and explain

1. Work together with drums and music. The fourth part of Wang Shifu's "Lichun Hall" in the Yuan Dynasty: "Give you a thousand liang of gold and a hundred bottles of fragrant wine, and then make a big brag in the Lichun Hall to have a happy feast." The 70th chapter of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms": "He brags and drinks on the mountain, and does not go down the mountain." The 20th time: "On that day, we will make a big fuss. Kuang Superman has a round collar with gauze hat and gold boots with soap. We will first pay homage to the husband and wife of Jiangong and introduce them to the bridal chamber." 2. The metaphor is widely publicized. Lu Xun's Hot Wind, the so-called "Sinology": "The old people are rich, or they are just entertaining themselves, and the businessmen are bragging about making profits." Mao Zedong's Anti Japanese Tour

The antonym of bragging

  • match word to deed yán xíng yī zhì 
    Say as you do. Song Wentianxiang's "Xijian Academy Food Release Handout": "However, the city of Yuan has created a consistency between words and deeds, which is consistent from the outside to the inside. Since five years of traveling, it has been well maintained for seven years." Xu Heng of Yuan's "Difficulties in Six Things for the King - Practicing Words": "Since then, words and deeds are consistent, which is consistent from the outside to the inside." Wu Han's "On Hai Rui": "[Hai Rui] is a politician who is deeply loved by the people." ◎ Act as one speaks; asgoodasone'swords;mat...
  • seek truth from facts shí shì qiú shì 
    This means finding out the facts and getting the correct conclusion. The latter refers to proceeding from the actual situation, not exaggerating or shrinking, and correctly treating and handling problems. The Book of the Han Dynasty · Biography of Liu De, the King Presenting in Hejian: "The King Presenting in Hejian was established two years ago as a filial piety. He studied well in the past and was practical and realistic." Yan Shigu noted: Ye Mingfeng of the Qing Dynasty, "Miscellaneous Stories on the West of the Bridge, Methods of Examining the History of Wang Longzhuang in the North of Zhao Ou": "Both of you can be practical and realistic in learning, which can be used as a method of examining the history." Zhou Erfu, "Shanghai
  • down-to-earth jiǎo tà shí dì
    1. Keep your feet firmly on the ground. The second and second chapter of Journey to the West: "I'll throw you, you monster! Come up here! It's easy to fight with your feet on the ground!" Wang Tao of Qing Dynasty wrote "Songbin Suo Hua - Simmer Taro Dream": "But I feel that my body is lighter than my leaves, like falling into clouds and fog, and my style is surging in my ears. I make an appointment and stay down to earth." Xu Jie's "Journey Notes" "The reason why this foot can be down-to-earth, and why it is right to step on this spot, is that the other foot has stabilized the ground." 2. It means to work hard and steadfastly. Song Shao Bowen, Volume 18 of the Record of Smelling and Seeing: "The public asked Kang Jie, saying, 'What is someone like
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