The antonym of being away from home
Xinhua Dictionary Red couplet
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See "Departing from Home".

The antonym of being away from home

  • live and work in peace ān jū lè yè 
    Live a stable life and pursue their career happily. The Book of the Han Dynasty: Preface to the Biography of the Merchandise Colony: "Each man should settle down and enjoy his career, and be content to eat and enjoy his clothes." The Later Han Dynasty: Zhongchangtong Biography: The first time: "In a few years, the King of Wu cut down the chaos, settled down to meet the day, and the world was unified. The founding of the Ming Dynasty, the year of Hongwu, and the villagers lived and worked in peace and contentment." Hong Shen's "Peach Blossoms after the Disaster" 1: "Qingdao, namely Jiaozhou Bay, is rich in fruit trees, fish and salt in the sea, and the people live and work in peace and contentment." ◎ An
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