Indiscriminate antonym
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Explain indiscriminately

See "Indiscriminate".

Indiscriminate antonym

  • distinguish right from wrong shì fēi fēn míng
    There is a clear distinction between right and wrong. Clearly distinguish right from wrong. [Sentence] He always knows right from wrong, and will not wronged good people. Clearly distinguish right from wrong. The Book of the Han Dynasty, Vol. 36, Biography of Liu Jiao, King of Chu and Yuan Dynasty: "Therefore, a wise and sage king, who is always knowledgeable, is not clear about extreme things." Reference materials for the revised edition: clearly distinguish between right and wrong, and between right and wrong. Hanshu Vol. 36: Liu Jiao, King of the Yuan Dynasty of Chu: Therefore, the wise and holy king, who always has a broad view, is not clear about extreme things.
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