The opposite of making waves without wind
Xinhua Dictionary Red couplet
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Explanation of making waves without wind

See "No wind, no waves".

The antonym of making waves without wind

  • 1. It means not causing trouble or disturbing people. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty · Zhang Di Ji: "His order has the authority, and the crime is not to die and not to be tested. He told the officials in the letter, and they should not listen to it. He hoped to pacify the people and worship the weather." The Qing History Draft · Gao Zong Ji II: "He took the lead to use the labor fees of Jinchuan, and secretly told Fu Heng to pacify the people." 2. The general meaning was to calm personnel disputes. Qing Jiyun's Notes on Reading the WeChat Thatched Cottage · Luanyang Continuation 5: "Those who fear ghosts are normal, not humiliating. A false answer to fear can pacify people." Sun Yat sen's Letter to the National Party Members: "As for those who use the excuse of pacifying people, but bend the road to seek harmony, our party's people will not do it." Xia Yan's A Brief Discussion on Yu Ling: "Congenital
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