The opposite of self-reliance
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Interpretation of self-reliance

Rely on your own strength to do things. Sun Yat sen's True Solution to the Chinese Problem: "Obviously, if we want to solve this urgent problem and eliminate the root causes that hinder world peace, we must replace the old government with a new, enlightened and progressive government. In this way, China will not only rely on itself, but also remove the troubles of other countries in maintaining China's independence and integrity." Mao Zedong's Current Situation and Our Policy after the Victory of the Anti Japanese War: "What basis should our policy be based on? On the basis of our own strength, it is called self-reliance." Sha Ting's Magnetic Force: "Since the public doesn't care about us, the headmaster is even learning

The antonym of self-reliance

  • More maggots replace
  • dependent bàng rén lí luò
    See "Beside the hedge". 01. Song. Liu Kezhuang's "Poems on Wang Tui Guan Ying Lin": "You don't have to be close to others. My father passed on his clothes in the middle of the night. See the article "Depend on others". The allusion sources listed here are the allusion sources of "depending on others" for reference. # The Book of the Southern Qi Dynasty, Vol. 41, Biographies of Zhang Rong, contains profound meanings without learning from others. However, it has a profound understanding of people and is rarely resisted by those who talk about it in white and black. In the middle of Yongming, when he met with a disease, he said to the preface of the [door] law, "The body of my writing is often shocked by the world. You can learn from the heart of the ear, and you can't make the ear a teacher of the heart. Does the husband's writing have a normal body, but the body is a constant, and the government should make it a constant body. The husband
  • rest content lè tiān zhī mìng
    1. The old saying is that we are happy to follow the arrangement of heaven, and keep the boundaries of destiny. The First Part of the Book of Changes: "We are happy to know our destiny, so we don't worry about it." Kong Yingdashu: "We follow the constant of the heavenly way, and the life of the intellect is always natural, so we don't worry about it." Liang and Liu Xiaobiao of the Southern Dynasties, "Life Debate Theory": "However, a gentleman should be upright in morality, be happy to know his destiny, and know that he has no choice but to recognize his intelligence, die without calling, come without distance, live without joy, and die without sorrow." Song Xinqiji's poem "Water Dragon Sings, Titling Piaoquan" said: "I am happy to know my fate, who knows how to hide and use it in ancient times. People can't bear to worry about it. A Piaozi is happy, and it is wise to return." The eighth chapter of The Scholars: "Recently, I have been under the forest, but I am not so good
  • 1. It refers to a person who is attached to power or power. The ninth chapter of Outlaws of the Marsh: "The head of the Hongjiao Sect said: 'The senior officials often send soldiers to rely on grass and trees just because they are good at learning to use guns and sticks. They all say that I am a gun and stick teacher, and I come to the village to lure some wine and rice.'" Volume 39 of the "Two quarter clapping table surprise": "Many people rely on grass and trees, and come to convert to him in groups." 2. It means that the elves depend on plants and other things to become demons and mischief. The 40th chapter of Journey to the West: "You know the saying that depending on grass and trees, things can become essence.". It refers to relying on the power and position of others. The Ninth Chapter of The Water Margin: "Senior officials often go to the army because they are good at learning guns and sticks
  • It refers to living under someone else's door. It also means to follow or depend on others. The Book of the Southern Qi Dynasty · Biography of Zhang Rong: "A husband should delete the Poems and Books, and make rites and music. Why should he rely on others?" Xue Xue in the Qing Dynasty's Yi Piao Poems II: "If you follow one step at a time and describe the ancients, you are already dependent on others." Chapter 90 of A Dream of Red Mansions: "Xue Ta returned to his house, had dinner, and remembered that Xing Xiuyan lived in Jia's Garden, and was dependent on others; What's more, they are poor. I don't know how to use daily life. " Zhou Erfu, "Morning in Shanghai", Part III, 49: "He is unwilling to rely on others in the business world." ◎
  • It is also referred to as "attached to Dummy H". 1. Superstitions say that demons and ghosts attach to things and do evil. The Wumiao Poems of King Zhou of the Five Dynasties: "The sun holds the prestige, and the old man is an elf. He depends on grass and wood, and does not use deceit." Tang Shunzhi of the Ming Dynasty, "With the Doctor Hong Fangzhou", said: "The strong soul of Kongtong still depends on grass and wood, and can make a smile for the sake of the world." 2. It is a metaphor for naming or clinging to people. The second part of Yuan Kangjin's "Li Kui Loses the Bush": "It is unknown that there must be people who do such things with their dummies and under my family name." Qing Qian Qianyi's "Preface to the Residence of Counsellor Li Gong of Dasi Ma Ji'an Maoming": "Go to manage military affairs, eliminate the old and the weak, clean up the evil, and support the middle officials
  • Sitting on the ground and seeking perfection
  • for a living bàng rén mén hù
    Song Sushi's Dongpo Zhilin, Volume 12: "The Taofu looks up at Ai Ren and scolds him: 'How worthless you are! You are always on top of me!' Ai Ren leans down and replies, 'You are half into the ground, are you still fighting for supremacy?' The Taofu is angry, and there are endless disputes. The door god explains: 'Our generation is unworthy. We are close to other people's door, and we have no time to fight for leisure!'" Later, the word "close to people's door" means relying on others, Cannot stand on one's own feet. Chapter 109 of A Dream of Red Mansions: "Miss Xing was known by her mother, and now she is very hard here. Although we are poor, she is much better than him when she married." The second volume of Sun Yusheng's Notes on Retreat from Awakening House: "Han Ziyun's Ming Jing among the clouds, don't be too immortal, rich
  • Take advantage of fishermen. This is a metaphor for taking advantage of the contradictions between others to easily benefit from them. The language version of Zhan Guo Ce · Yan Ce II: "The officials of today came to change the water, and the clam was exposed. The snipe pecked its meat, and the clam closed with its beak. The snipe said, 'It doesn't rain today, and it doesn't rain tomorrow, so there is a dead clam.' The clam is also called the snipe, and said, 'It doesn't come out today, and it doesn't come out tomorrow, so there is a dead snipe.' The two refused to give up, and the fisher got the bird." Aina's New Things and Old Editions : "(You) can't get off a tiger, just in time, let me slowly catch a profit." ◎ Let me catch a profit
  • It means asking relatives and friends for help. The fourth and second chapters of A Dream of Red Mansions: "These two bags are fifty liang each, a total of one hundred liang. The wife gave them to you, and asked you to take them, or do a small business, or buy a few acres of land, and then stop asking for relatives and friends." The third chapter of Biography of Heroes in Children: "The master has no money on his post, and there is no money at home. If you ask for relatives and friends, let them give up, and no one can save much cash." It is also called "asking for relatives and friends". Li Na's Auntie: "Auntie doesn't like asking for relatives and friends, nor complaining to others." ◎ Qi ú q ī n-k à oy ǒ u [askfav
  • It is also called "sitting and enjoying the merits". Enjoy others' achievements without contributing. The Later Han Dynasty, Chapter Emperor Ji, by Yuan Hong of the Jin Dynasty: "Xianbei obeys Weiling, and has already made ten thousand plans to capture the famous king of Beishan Yu. China has enjoyed its merits, but the people do not know how to work. The Han Dynasty is prosperous because of its great achievements." In Hu Gongqi, the residence of Governor Xie, by Xu Wei of the Ming Dynasty, "I know the two legacies of white jade, and actually fulfill the promise of gold; rumors begin to wake up, and sit and enjoy their success." Ye Tingguan of the Qing Dynasty, "Oubei Fishing Words, The Biography of Ge Cang" "Zhikui is a slave, and his words are absurd! If you want to make others do something, you will enjoy it, and you will miss the official business." Sun Yat sen's "Sun Wenxue Says You Can Do It Without Knowing": "Lonely people on a desert island can always do what they want and sit down
  • slavishly dependent yǎng rén bí xī
    1. Biography of Yuan Shao in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty: "Yuan Shao was a lonely guest and poor soldier. He looked up to me for breath. For example, when a baby was in the palm of his hand, he could starve and kill it." Later, he said that he depended on others to survive. Wu Chichang of the Qing Dynasty, "The Continuation of Gossip in the Guest Window - A Palace Guard": "The public said: 'I am very poor, and I cannot rely on others for my life. Return my old man, and let me take care of him." "The third section of Chapter 14 of the Historical Draft of Chinese Fiction of the Chinese Department of Peking University:" [Lin Daiyu] was born in a' noble family ', and his parents died early, so he had to live in Jia's house and live a life of relying on others. " 2. It is extended to cater to the intention of others. Chen Yi's Four Tours of Water Melody
  • for others yuè zǔ dài páo
    According to Chuang Tzu's Leisure Journey, "Although the minister does not manage the job, the corpse and the wish do not cross the cup and replace it." The original meaning is that each person has his own full-time job. Although the minister does not perform his duties, the chief priests and others do not cross the cup and serve for him. Later, "overstepping the job" was used as a metaphor for doing things beyond one's authority or acting as an agent. Song Qinguan's "Book on Metabolism": "For a while, Fang Qiang overstepped the throne to take over; for months, it was true, and it was even more shameful to make brocade." Song Chenliang's "Letter of Correction with Lu Bogong": "Why don't you guard against the crime of overstepping the throne in a great book, but suspect that his heart would not eat?" Guo Moruo's "The heaven and earth are dark and yellow. The soldiers don't care about the scholars": "It is not convenient for scholars to overstepping the throne, and soldiers should be careful
  • can 't help bù yóu zì zhǔ 
    It means that you can't control yourself. The 81st episode of A Dream of Red Mansions: "(Sister Feng said) But she feels that she can't help herself. She seems like someone is pulling and talking, and she wants me to kill." Ba Jin's Family 8: "Chueh hui involuntarily turns around and follows Zhang Huiru." Du Pengcheng's In a Peaceful Sun Chapter 2: "Wei Zhen can't say whether she loves or not, but when she has more contact, she can't help but get close to Chang Fei." ◎ involuntarily b ù y ó u-z ì zh ǔ [cannothelp; besideo
  • Take advantage of it
  • gain profit in risk huǒ zhōng qǔ lì
    The fable Monkey and Cat by French fable poet La Fengdan in the 17th century contains: Monkey deceived cat to get chestnuts from fire, and the chestnuts were eaten by monkey, but the cat burned the hair on its feet. Later, he often used the analogy of "taking a chestnut from a fire" to describe others taking risks and suffering in vain. Xu Zhucheng's "Old News, Wang Guowei and Liang Qichao": "Duan Qirui just used the so-called 'talent cabinet' of the Progressive Party as his stepping stone for a while, while Ren Gong became his' cat's paw '. After the fire, he was abandoned
  • toil with no gain láo ér wú gōng 
    Effort was expended, but no result was achieved. Effort but no effect or gain. [Sentence making] If we don't pay attention to the method of dealing with problems, we often work in vain. Spend energy, but have no effect or gain. Chuang Tzu, Luck of Heaven: "Today Qi goes to Zhou Yu Lu. It is still a matter of pushing the boat to the land. It is futile to work." The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Lv Clan. Filial Piety. Original Flavor: "If you want to seek the root, you will get it after ten days; if you want to seek the end, you will work in vain." It is also called "futile". Revised Reference: Effort spent, but no effect or gain. Chuang Tzu, Tianyun: Today, Qi goes to Zhou Yulu. It's just like pushing the boat on the land. Lv Chunqiu, Xiaoxinglan, Genwei: Please
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